Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. Matthew 5:5 NIV

Meek is an adjective that has been totally flipped by the English language. It is a positive descriptive word but a self absorbed world that demands its own way has devalued meekness to the point that it brings shame. By human standards meekness denotes someone who is easily maneuvered against their will while never daring to protest, an easy target that no one ever dreams of becoming. Yet, Jesus states in His Sermon on the Mount, meekness as a very desirable characteristic in achieving favor on earth.

What’s the real deal with meekness then? Meekness begets kindness, practices forbearance, depends on faithfulness, exercises gentleness and self-control and reaps love and joy. Isn’t ‘Meek’ a beautiful ideal?

Meekness is not weakness, it’s strength under perfect control.



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