Sunday Stories, August 21, 2016

Just get in the car!

When I was a small child my secret love was a world far beyond my front porch. My favorite book was an atlas or an encyclopedia. No I wasn’t a prodigy, I sat up late into the night looking at pictures. Despite all my passions for distant places, my life was very stationary. Ordinary people didn’t globe trot as readily as they do today. So I imagined, read books and hoped (without much faith) that someday I would chase the wind to the four corners of the planet.
Years went by and I met a boy. There was a great attraction. Attraction became love, love became marriage. Marriage became adventure and adventure became our lifetime.
WE GO! When people ask us where we’ve been, an appropriate answer is, “Everywhere.” Going is what we do best, but there have been times in our adventure that going was not an option. Sometimes managing family, home and employment meant remaining at our postal address for longer periods of time than was desirable. Don’t misunderstand me, I love my little house and the walls that hold all my joys and sorrows, but there is no better feeling than pulling out of the driveway knowing before you return the world will be smaller and hearts will be bigger.
There came a summer break when responsibility required that the Rooney family of four stay put. It wasn’t miserable, but we all got itchy feet. The beginning of school was fast approaching when my husband Keith came in the house one evening and said, “Pack some bags, when the sun comes up tomorrow we’re heading out.” There was great excitement with myself and our daughters but we were not without our inquires. I wanted to know if we needed clothes for warmth or swimsuits and sunscreen. How many days would we be gone and how far would we travel? Child number one wanted to know if she needed her hairbrush and would there be a Wal Mart stop along the way. Our youngest was most concerned with the question of weekly allowance when she wasn’t actually doing chores.
These responses are typical of our roles within the family unit and our basic personalities and impulses. Keith became very impatient when the questions didn’t stop the next morning. He had everything planned for quality family time. He just asked that we get in the car and trust him. He was worthy of our trust, he had successfully led us thousands of miles but we wanted assurances before we made a total commitment to fun.
This story led us to Southeast Missouri, and places off the beaten path that Keith had always wanted to visit. We went to Elephant Rocks and marveled at nature’s sculpture with only wind and rain for tools. Our journey continued to Johnson’s Shut-in, God’s own water slide. It was wonderful, or in other words, FULL of WONDER and has become one of my favorite family togethers.
As I reflect on this story I think how often God asks us to, “Just get in the car.” We drag things down asking for highlighted roadmaps and bulleted itineraries. The plan God has for us is prosperous and will always lead to His glory. My childhood dreams have come true in the perfection of God’s wisdom and timing so I can say with enthusiasm, “Put your face to the Son and buckle up because it’s going to be great!”

3 thoughts on “Sunday Stories, August 21, 2016”

  1. Sure glad to travel along with your thoughts today. The journey your mom and I are on is still exciting and beautiful. Looking forward to the GREAT SUNRISE.

    1. Love you both and I know you are looking forward to that day, but you also know I don’t talk about it!! lol and love you big!

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