Monday August 29, 2016

These are the regulations concerning contamination by mildew in woolen or linen clothing, woven or knitted material, or any leather article, for pronouncing them clean or unclean. Leviticus 13:59

When asked what her favorite book is, my youngest daughter replies, “Leviticus.” What!?….. No, Leviticus is not her favorite book, it’s the irony that she enjoys, even more so when someone gets her clever humor.

As for me, I approach this book of the Bible like the student who stated, “Only 5 out of 4 people ever use fractions when they grow up so why do I have to know math?” Why Leviticus in modern day Christianity? Here’s why, Leviticus is the spoken, God breathed Word. It reveals God as our Father and we as His beloved children, His covenant community. God is intensely concerned with the health and welfare of those that have chosen to be set apart through salvation and Holiness. (Lev. 11:45 and 19:18) This concern looks different for the historical children of Israel, but the basic fact remains, moment to moment God cares that your life marches forward with healthy, ethical and productive precision.

When you wake up knowing you have more to do than hours, energy and money allow, you find mold in your storage building and your anxiety further impedes your progress, ask God to give you wisdom and guidance. TaDa!! You find the gracious, generous and unchanging God of ancient law. This God who gave directions for dealing with mildew IS willing and able to help you with the minor (and major) details of life. He is the One True God and He loves YOU!

Feeling Invincible,


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