Tuesday August 30, 2016

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled. Matthew 5:6

I love words and find it amusing when two words are combined to emphasize an existing known. One of my recent favorites is ‘Hangry.’ Hangry is the state of subconscious anger due to famishment. It is not a pretty thing to witness.

The human body has a hair trigger alarm system to keep itself functioning efficiently . Hunger and thirst are part of this survival plan and when deprived of sustenance in these areas things begin to collapse quickly.

Jesus is making a parallel between a hunger and thirst that keeps our physical bodies alive to show us that a righteous heart will have a like longing, a survival reflex for the things of God.

Desires and appetites are a given but the righteous will seek what is good and just. It also goes in reverse. The more we become focused on Godliness the more our instincts turn toward correct and healthy choices for the things we take into our hearts and minds. The most beautiful part is the promise. God will NOT withhold Himself. He will feed your heart and your mind with a most glorious feast.


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