Sunday Story, September 4, 2016

A Call and an Answer

Since the day I met my parents I have known them to put their heart and soul into every endeavor, and to work tirelessly at whatever they put their hands to, which was mostly raising children and pastoring small churches.

As a youngster I was of the opinion that we should call off church if only ten people showed up for prayer meeting. Dad said that those ten faithful prayer warriors deserved the best of him and as long as there was one faithful person there would be church. Bad news for me because the Jones’ alone made six.

I watched my father exhaust himself for things I thought were in vain. Through the eyes of a self absorbed adolescent it seemed fruitless to spend every waking hour at the church or hospital or in the living room of some dysfunctional family. I can testify to the fact that he wasn’t getting rich. If you put a dollar amount to the hours he spent trying to leave the world better than he found it he may have made a lifetime average of fifty cents an hour. But I knew it was never about the money.

Once in my adult life dad took a leave from ministry. He had just finished two major construction projects at the church he was pastoring, watched all three of his daughters marry, became a grandfather and stood by his parent’s side through his own father’s long illness and passing. Need I even state that he was exhausted? He was. As his child it was tough to watch. I was relieved when he said he was going to pursue a different course of income for a while. Instead, it was only a matter of months before he announced that he was taking another church. A very small country church not far from where they lived needed a pastor and dad heard God’s voice. I begged, “Dad please don’t do this.” Once again he set me straight with his profound response. “Baby doll, when I answered the call to ministry, I answered for a life time and all I want to do is serve the Lord. I’m just not happy or satisfied doing anything else.”

What a legacy for a father to leave his child. Recognizing that my Heavenly Father and my dad share one heart changed me forever. I began to appreciate all my family gained when he served the Lord. We never did without and had more than most. My home was stable, mom and dad were supportive and they loved each other. We had laughter and joy and most of the time we had the world by the tail on a down hill swing.

For where two or three gather in My name, there am I with them. Matthew 18:20  It isn’t about a number, it’s about people seeking God. The road traveled before me is one of Worship and Service. I must follow. It’s beautiful and you’re invited too.



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