September 12, 2016

My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message. John 17:20

Jesus is within hours of being crucified and He knows it. He also knows that His beloved disciples, the men He spent 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with for the last three years have no clue about what is coming down. Yes, Jesus has prepared them, but they cannot comprehend what will prove to be the most mysterious, glorious and victorious event of all time.

So what does Jesus do? He prays. He sets things in perspective in a quiet talk with His dad. The entire seventeenth chapter of John is Jesus praying, first for Himself to focus on the big picture, eternal life. Then He prays for His disciples. Jesus is literally committing His friends into the care of His Father. How beautiful that?! And Then……..drum roll please…….He prayed for you and I. Yes, Jesus has spoken, out loud, a prayer personally for you and for me.

What did Jesus ask the Father to give us? A oneness with Him and each other so that we may know the full extend of the Father’s love.

Oh How He Loves Us!


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