Saturday, September 10, 2016

Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path. Psalm 119:105

I know my yard well. The shrubbery is mapped in my head, the water features give themselves away, there are sidewalks to mark common thoroughfares to necessary places. I spend a great deal of daytime and dark in my little paradise. So why would I ever need a flashlight?

For the unexpected, the unforeseen! Dog pooh! A SNAKE!! Rogue patio chairs!

We are a mobile race. Our minds and bodies stay on the go constantly. For the most part we choose our routes, but even so, we know we will encounter the unexpected and we need light to avoid, detour or protect ourselves from the things we do not wish to step in or stumble over. God’s ‘Word’ is our only hope of a safe and secure sojourn.

The Psalmist is praising God for this ‘Word’ that indeed sheds brilliant, shadowless light. Let’s renew this praise also for this wonderful luminary that is our gift.


Friday September 9, 2016

Therefore show these men the proof of your love and the reason for our pride in you, so that the churches can see it. 2 Cor. 8:24

Paul throughout his letters has preached the oneness of Christ across racial divides. Racial tensions between Jews and Gentiles were a reality and very deadly at this time. Paul taught that there was great virtue in doing good for those that persecute you and asked often for Gentile Christians to set aside money for oppressed Jews, They went above and beyond the call. As a result Paul had to delegate Titus and two other associates to manage the churches of Macedonia and their offerings in an ethical and responsible way. This verse is a call to accept these emissaries in a way that will continue the work of the gospel.

However, there’s another subtle message. Paul says, “Love those I love…… If you love me, then love them too.” He is echoing Christ’s call to love one another….If you love Me, love those I love.

We have accepted His grace and we love Christ. So now we are asked to love those He loves. We didn’t earn Christ’s love upon Salvation. We were freely GIVEN salvation because of His love. It is our highest calling to LOVE those that Christ loves, basically…..everyone!

Accepting love is the first step toward salvation, so lets offer it and lead the way!!!!


Thursday September 8, 2016

I want you to know, brothers and sisters, that the gospel I preached is not of human origin. Galatians 1:11

These are the words of Paul to the churches in the Roman province of Galatia.

The early church had no written Gospel, they had the revelations of the Apostles, so they were dependent on word of mouth and letter writing. Many false prophets wanted a piece of the action in this new fad called Christianity. It took very little time for personal agendas and the chance of turning a ‘dollar’ to distract the eager and unsuspecting believer. Hey, it happens today too!

Paul was aggressive in testifying of his encounter with God, his perseverance for the Gospel and his passion that everyone hear and accept the Good News. His message follows and is still the most important thing anyone can hear and accept today:

1. The God of Israel is the true and living God, always has been, always will be.
2. He alone saves people from their sins and is worthy of worship.
3. Jesus, God’s Son is our Savior.
4. This Salvation is free to everyone who will receive it.

Have a Great Thursday!!!


Wednesday September 7, 2016

And his affection for you is all the greater when He remembers that you were obedient, receiving him with fear and trembling. 2 Corinthians 7:15

This seems a strange verse to pull out for a devotional, but as always I encourage you to read the passage in its full context.

Paul is referring to his associate missionary Titus a gentile converted to Christianity who did not observe orthodox Jewish practices, a serious offense to some early church members. Paul was preaching a salvation based on faith rather than works and Jewish law. He sent nontraditional Titus to Corinth to correct some evil behaviors in the new church. This young congregation of believers was so eager to hear the Good News that they willing excepted Titus and his message. Paul is ecstatic that the Gospel is continuing and his brother in Christ was accepted without bigotry.

It is possible for every Christian to be bogged down in the petty things of life. Satan loves it when God’s Word is sifted through prejudices to the point that the message it carries never gets delivered. Live and love as Christ, let the Gospel shine through.


Tuesday September 6, 2016

As for you, go your way till the end. You will rest, and then at the end of the days you will rise to receive your allowed inheritance. Daniel 12:13

As a young child I had ‘Early onset leadership skills.’ In other words, I was bossy! Dad ask me often if I thought God took the day off and left me in charge. I can laugh now, but at that time I was intense.

So much of life is spent surviving…… earning money, engineering family life, keeping peace, staying healthy……… In the midst of all this purposeful action it is easy to think we actually have control over things other than the state of our heart in relation to who is God and who is not. This clarification is the mission of the prophet Daniel. The final words of his book tell that no matter what, our earthly end will come. The reality is hope. Our immortal life will just be a continuation of our mortal character.

God’s faithfulness is pure and constant and is not determined by our autonomy or theology. Our inheritance comes by way of our heart and God alone knows if He is our personal One True God.

Have a lovely day,


September 5, 2015

If I go up to the Heavens, You are there; if I make my bed in the depths, You are there. If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there Your hand will guide me, Your right hand will hold me fast. Psalm 139:8-10

For many, Labor Day is the last hooray of Summer and tomorrow real life will settle into a sedentary routine until we once again begin weaving dreams of sunny days to come. I love traveling. The anticipation of seeing something for the first time is one of my favorite states of being, but I also love returning to places that hold treasured moments. I realize that sometimes I travel to find myself, and other times I travel to escape myself. Oh my what a mess!

But maybe not so much………………

No matter where we are, spiritually or physically God is there. Our minds constantly take us to the outer limits of our comprehension, much further than our physical bodies would ever dare to go, and so the Psalmist who had the same mental, physical and spiritual content as you and I put to words his realization that there is absolutely no where that God is not.

The presence of God is your choice not a state of geography or zen. There are days when our spirits fly high and of course God is there, but when we crawl into our dark place, is He there too? Yes, He is your auto pilot when you are lost and can’t find your way or that firm grip on your hand when you are perilously close to the edge. All is well, He is there.


Sunday Story, September 4, 2016

A Call and an Answer

Since the day I met my parents I have known them to put their heart and soul into every endeavor, and to work tirelessly at whatever they put their hands to, which was mostly raising children and pastoring small churches.

As a youngster I was of the opinion that we should call off church if only ten people showed up for prayer meeting. Dad said that those ten faithful prayer warriors deserved the best of him and as long as there was one faithful person there would be church. Bad news for me because the Jones’ alone made six.

I watched my father exhaust himself for things I thought were in vain. Through the eyes of a self absorbed adolescent it seemed fruitless to spend every waking hour at the church or hospital or in the living room of some dysfunctional family. I can testify to the fact that he wasn’t getting rich. If you put a dollar amount to the hours he spent trying to leave the world better than he found it he may have made a lifetime average of fifty cents an hour. But I knew it was never about the money.

Once in my adult life dad took a leave from ministry. He had just finished two major construction projects at the church he was pastoring, watched all three of his daughters marry, became a grandfather and stood by his parent’s side through his own father’s long illness and passing. Need I even state that he was exhausted? He was. As his child it was tough to watch. I was relieved when he said he was going to pursue a different course of income for a while. Instead, it was only a matter of months before he announced that he was taking another church. A very small country church not far from where they lived needed a pastor and dad heard God’s voice. I begged, “Dad please don’t do this.” Once again he set me straight with his profound response. “Baby doll, when I answered the call to ministry, I answered for a life time and all I want to do is serve the Lord. I’m just not happy or satisfied doing anything else.”

What a legacy for a father to leave his child. Recognizing that my Heavenly Father and my dad share one heart changed me forever. I began to appreciate all my family gained when he served the Lord. We never did without and had more than most. My home was stable, mom and dad were supportive and they loved each other. We had laughter and joy and most of the time we had the world by the tail on a down hill swing.

For where two or three gather in My name, there am I with them. Matthew 18:20  It isn’t about a number, it’s about people seeking God. The road traveled before me is one of Worship and Service. I must follow. It’s beautiful and you’re invited too.



September 3, 2016

My dear children, I write this to you so that you will not sin. But if anybody does sin, we have an advocate with the Father-Jesus Christ, the Righteous One.
I John 2:1

It is God’s desire for us to live Holy lives. It is possible because it says, “So that you will not sin.” but, then we are human and our Creator knows that. In His perfect love, perfect timing and Oh! so perfect wisdom He gave us a perfect advocate. Someone to stick up for us, to plead our case, to say, “Don’t hold it against them, I’ll take the consequence.” WOW!!!!!

As our Savior Jesus already took the blame, and as our advocate He stands before God as our defense lawyer.  He never loses a case.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Friday September 2, 2016

He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end. Ecclesiastes 3:11

The infinity of God is a truth that boggles the mind. God always was and always will be. He does not exist in linear time, He created it, therefore, it is His to administer as He pleases to bring glory to Himself.

So what does an all powerful God do with time? He makes everything beautiful.

From the moment you became a being you entered into eternity. Eternal life doesn’t happen when you give your heart to Jesus, your residence just changes and you begin to grow more beautiful with each passing day.



Thursday September 1, 2016

Who is wise? Let them realize these things. Who is discerning? Let them understand. The ways of the LORD are right; the righteous walk in them, but the rebellious stumble in them. Hosea 14:9

The path of least resistance leads to crooked rivers and crooked men. – Henry David Thoreau.

I am a school teacher. I say a million times a day, “Make a good choice.” This is not a new concept. The entire book of Hosea is God saying make good choices or horrible consequences will rain down. Sometimes it’s tough to hear, but it is a very serious reality.

God is my creator and the lover of my soul, Jesus is my savior and has paid my redemption. I walk daily in the reality of my second chance……..and my third and fourth…….millionth. Through Christ’s blood we always have another chance. But there are two myths many people have bought into.

Myth 1. Human life gives you second chances.
Truth-IT DOES NOT! Time marches on, broken truth leaves fissures, moments/opportunities come and go quickly never to return, hurt people don’t hang around. Odds are you won’t get a second chance.

Myth 2. People are born with dispositions toward wisdom or rebellion. It’s just fate.
Truth-There’s a great deal of theology to be hashed out here but in simple terms, God Loves His Creation and that is YOU! He has gone to every extreme to redeem you and bring you to eternal life. It’s a choice NOT fate.

Wisdom is a choice. It is a good choice. God always honors your request for it.
Rebellion is a choice. It is easy, lazy and bad. Guaranteed, you won’t like the outcome.

Praying for you all because I love you too!!
