Wednesday October 5, 2016

Peacemakers who sow in peace raise a harvest of righteousness. James 3:18

Titles tell what service or product a person offers the world. For instance, I am a teacher. That means I lead someone from a state of unknowing to knowing (hopefully). A baker, (my personal favorite) creates something palatable and nourishing. The list goes on but you get the gist.

James conveys that a peacemaker is a producer in the same manner that a farmer, truck driver, lawyer, doctor… As with any other service, the peacemaker begins with a resource/ability and ends with something of value. That beginning is the Wisdom of Heaven, free for the asking, resulting in right behavior, aka righteousness.

‘Peacemaker’ is a most honorable job title. Sowing peace is a worthy investment. The product is “On earth as it is in Heaven.”


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