Friday October 7, 2016

Give me wisdom and knowledge, that I may lead this people, for who is able to govern this great people of yours? 2 Chronicles 1:10

God has appeared to Solomon and told him to ask for anything. (vs. 7) Recognizing that he was to lead the greatest nation on earth, Solomon might have asked for power or wealth. Instead, you find his request in the scripture above. God is faithful and Solomon was given wisdom according to the unlimited riches of Heaven.

Wisdom is many things, discernment, prudence, good old fashion gumption, circumspection. It greatly increases quality of life, both by allowing us make peace with the past and enabling us to move boldly into the future. All the things Solomon might have desired such as monetary superiority or physical might came about through wisdom.

God alone is the creator and provider of pure and perfect wisdom. His faithful provision is not limited to Solomon, but freely given to all those who ask.



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