Friday October 21, 2016

So I commend the enjoyment of life, because there is nothing better for people under the sun than to eat and drink and be glad. Then joy will accompany them in their toil all the days of the life God has given them under the sun. Ecclesiastes 8:15

If you ask a certain blogger’s father, “How many guitars do you need to be happy?” His answer is, “One more.” Such is life. We all work really hard to obtain ‘Just One More.” But those earthly instruments will someday turn to dust and the man that drew music and joy from them will be pickin’ and grinnin’ in the Angel Band. Seeking fame and fortune is vain.

The writer of Ecclesiastes, a book of wisdom, is encouraging us to seek a life of joy found in our relationships, not possessions. I won’t remember how many instruments dad collected, I will remember our times together making music, refinishing furniture, roofing houses, talking theology and philosophy………it is the relationship that strengthened and empowered me to face life’s trials not the things he owns.

God made us a social race. We need each other. He ordained the good things that life brings. Yes we have to work to sustain ourselves but our jobs take us into relationships that give depth and color to our existence. We do not have to creep through days worrying there is a sin behind every blessing. There is not. Hold close the people in your world and cherish the moments you have been given.

Makin’ Memories,


Thursday October 20, 2016

And whether they listen or fail to listen- for they are a rebellious house – they will know that a prophet has been among them. Ezekiel 2:5

God commissioned Ezekiel to warn the wicked, call them to change their lives and command the righteous not to sin.

Freewill sets humanity apart from all other living creatures on earth. It is a gift of love woven into us by our Creator. He could have designed robots driven by instinct, lacking emotion, sympathy, empathy, compassion. He did not and with this freedom we have all sinned.

The Biblical narrative does not hold Ezekiel accountable for man’s response to God’s Word. God asked the prophet, His servant to obey and go, to act. It is man’s choice to respond to God’s call and turn from wicked ways.  Ezekiel diligently followed God.

Your response to God’s call, whether it be salvation or righteousness, is and always will be your choice, you will answer for it, and God doesn’t accept excuses! He does not waiver in His judgement and justice. He does not change. He is worthy of the love and obedience our freewill makes possible.



Wednesday October 19, 2016

For we live by faith, not by sight. 2 Corinthians 5:7

This is a familiar verse, but it is not one I quote to myself often. I like “I can do all things…..” or “Ask and it shall be given…..” I am absolutely NOT trivializing these verses, they offer great strength and assurance in contrast to blind faith!

Oh yeah, there is no other kind of faith!

Looking back, every step of my journey makes perfect miraculous sense. I see God’s omnipotent wisdom, faultless timing and His all mighty providence at work in the wonder I call life.

Looking forward? Time marches on with me kicking and screaming into the frightening unknown begging God to give me a peek preview of my future so I can make logical sense of things to come. Ugh!!!!

Time forward is never going to be logical for the faithful. You can’t plan God’s ways, for they are not our ways, but every step of faithfulness leads to the Throne. Here’s my ‘happily ever after.’ God’s reality far exceeds my scripted plan of action.

Living the (His) Dream!



Tuesday October 18, 2016

Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the sinful nature with its passions and desires. Galatians 5:24

This is the concluding verse of the scripture passage containing the fruit of the spirit and the tell tale signs of a sinful nature.

We are all born with a sinful instinct. We call it human nature. It’s ugly! When we confess our sins and give ourselves to Christ we exchange our human nature for the likeness of our loving Savior.

The evidence of Christ in our lives should speak loudly through our actions and countenance. His presence gives power over sin, both yours and others, so be bold today!



Monday October 17, 2016

He came to Jesus at night and said, “Rabbi, we know that you are a teacher who has come from God. For no one could perform the signs you are doing if God were not with Him.” John 3:2

This is from the story of Nicodemus. He was a Pharisee, a man of power and influence held hostage by the cynical and selfish agenda of his contemporaries and personal fear of an interrupted status quo. He came to Jesus in the secrecy of darkness seeking the light of truth. Jesus walked him through the act of salvation, followed by the glory of God’s love and the promise of eternal life. (Check out verse 16.)

I love this story. Nicodemus was not noble and brave. He crept through unlit streets hiding in doorways, lurking through shadows. How offensive! Jesus’ response was not a reaction to the insult, but an act of love, completing the purpose for which He came.

The manner in which we come, the questions we bring, the fears that weigh us down……..none of this matters. It is the coming, the trusting that changes life forever! Jesus left Heaven to rescue you. Believe and be saved.



Sunday Stories, October 16, 2016

Lessons from the outside of a cat

My mom was dead set against a house pet. An indoor pet was more domestic liability than she was willing to risk. Her children had no concept of the irreparable damage a pet could do to a home that wasn’t ours, but she did and her word was law.

While I was in freshman in high school my parents were able to build a house of their own. For the first time in our lives my siblings and I were free to spill Kool-aid on the carpet and have an inside pet! Mom still didn’t like the idea, but we prevailed and a nice little Siamese cat came to live with us.

There was never a cat that got more love and attention than Sam. Initially we practiced cat holding schedules because everyone demanded premium petting time. Soon an amazing phenomena occurred. When the cat was free to choose, it went directly to mom. Mom never sat down without that silly cat climbing onto her lap. What a clueless, ungrateful feline! Why?……. The answer is simple enough. Mom was the only person that fed the cat or cleaned the litter box. We had all promised to do this chore. It was supposed to be the last thing we did as we left through the back door each morning on our way to the school bus stop, but Greg didn’t do it, I (Gretchen) had my flute and homework to lug, Gayle had her reasons and Gwen was too little to reach the feed bag or toss poop. So, after we all got out the door and the dust settled, mom would find the feed bowl empty and the litter box full. She fixed the problem.

Mom could have gotten rid of the cat because we didn’t honor our responsibilities. She could have let the cat starve, (not really). She could have made the cat wait until we returned home in the evening and then remind us once again to care for our pet. But, why punish the cat because the kids were remiss? Mom chose to consistently meet Sam’s physical need, while we were only interested in our selfish enjoyment of a soft, furry pet. The cat’s response was normal. She loved the hand that fed her. I interject that we were given appropriate consequences for our neglectful behavior, but of a nature so as not to punish the cat.

The issue of appeasing selfish needs doesn’t just occur in child/pet relationships. This trend is being carried out in interpersonal relationships everywhere. While socially acceptable, taking what makes us feel good and leaving the object of our self-indulgence empty and uncared for is wrong!

At the end of Jesus’ life in the flesh He faced the betrayal of His dear friend Peter. They had walked many miles together, laughed over life’s oddities, wondered at the world’s glories, shared many victories and joys. In the end, Peter just couldn’t face the fear and reality of who Jesus really was. Peter denied Jesus not once, but thrice. He left his beloved friend to die alone and friendless. But when the dust settled, Jesus only said, “Peter, if you love Me, feed My lambs, take care of My sheep.” The commission is to love each other, to feed each other, strengthen and encourage each other, not leave each other forlorn, friendless and dying.

God’s character is not a reflection of taking. He continually gives. His capacity to forgive is unfathomable. All the riches of Heaven are His, and He will bestow those riches on His children. We have every reason to give of ourselves freely and generously.

Have a Wonderful Day of Worship,


Friday October 14, 2016

Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers. Galatians 6:10

What is good? Spreading the gospel so others are freed from the bondage of sin, simple kindness toward others. I can do this.

Opportunity is where I get bogged down in my daily living. I was not called to a far off mission field away from the comforts of middle class America so is my effort really that valid? Sometimes my days are so busy with basic living needs I don’t have time to carry out specific ministry goals. Other days I need rest that involves staying at home and not speaking to a soul. I have financial and physical limitations that are frustrating. I get so defeated about not doing enough that I often give up and do nothing at all.

Remember, scripture says, “As we have opportunity….” While I was in college my Godly boss secretly took my car and had it repaired while I was fulfilling my shift. I grew faith. I was once so devastated I thought I could not go another step and a friend sat beside me and said, “I have been where you are and I know you will find your smile again.” I grew strong. After receiving news of salvation for those I’ve prayed for, I grew more determined! These were not moments of scripted ministry, but the Body of Christ at work in the breathing moments of life. That’s ‘as we have opportunity!’

Good isn’t the one big thing done in a lifetime, it is the million little things we do each day.

Thank you,


Thursday October 13, 2016

But God raised Him from the dead, freeing Him from the agony of death, because it was impossible for death to keep its hold on Him. Acts 2:24

There are three important milestones in my spiritual development that changed me profoundly. 1. The moment I confessed my sins and received mercy and grace.
2. The moment I asked the Holy Spirit to fill me with His presence. He did.
3. The moment I came into awareness and reality of the power in Acts 2:24.

Read verse 23 also. We only die one death and when we do, nothing mortal has any hold on us. Disease cannot cripple us, sin cannot tempt us and sorrow cannot shadow our pathway. Jesus could have said, “NO! I will NOT do this for an ungrateful, oblivious humanity!” But He did. He died. Believe it or not, Satan would have preferred He live because death took away Satan’s power. BUT WAIT! THERE’S MORE! Jesus did not stay in the grave, neither will we and there is nothing, no power, no means ever, that will change this truth. Game over! WE WIN!

Be Bold!


Wednesday October 12, 2016

I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery. Deuteronomy 5:6

I AM…….the all knowing, all powerful, all loving LORD your God who rescues those who call out and follow.

No child EVER has been satisfied with the answer, “Because I’m the grownup, that’s why.” But every adult I know has used this as their ‘go to’ phrase in a quick pinch. God having every justifiable right to say, “Because I’m God, that’s why!” has chosen to indulge.

“I brought you out of slavery, I have protected you, fed you, provided all your needs and I’m not going to stop, that’s why!”

Yes we must obey because He is God, but He reminds us that love is His singular agenda, our response can only be trusting love in action.

Have a great Wednesday!
