Tuesday, November 8, 2016

But the king replied to Araunah, “No, I insist on paying you for it. I will not sacrifice to the Lord my God burnt offerings that cost me nothing.” 2 Samuel 24:24

David took a census of all the able bodied men, prospective soldiers, in Judah and Israel. This act was in disobedience to God. God doesn’t rely on earthly might and His people don’t need to either. David got his numbers and in return experienced great regret, God’s anger and a consequence that effected the well-being of his people. David acknowledged his sin and confessed. God, through the prophet Gad, demanded a sacrifice. David was obedient, followed God’s instructions precisely and went to carry out his expensive penance. However, a man named Araunah respectfully offered his king, David, a threshing floor and animals needed for sacrifice. David had no desire to short cut through God’s command. He was honorable and obedient and God’s favor returned. The place of this alter became the location of Jeruselem’s temple.

Just as David was prone to do, we often demand our own way. In doing so we replace God’s all-knowing, all loving control of our lives, including outcomes, with our ill informed, powerless efforts. We mess things up in a hurry. The good news is, God is there. He can fix anything we’ve done wrong and unlike David, our sacrifice has already been paid by Jesus.

Let God be God.



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