Friday, November 18, 2016

All a man’s ways seem innocent to him, but motives are weighed by the LORD. Proverbs 16:2

Tweaking facts or spinning truth to manipulate outcomes has become an art form. There are those that believe it is a valid and appropriate part of social structure. The problem is that in doing these things, we put ourselves smack at the center of the universe. Our needs and purposes supersede everyone else’s.

The one truth that will never change: God knows! He knows whether you acted in purity of thought and action or whether you meant to change an outcome in your favor regardless of truth.

God and only God has complete access to your mind and heart. You have no secrets. He knows, so open your heart and let it fill you with His Spirit. Sweep the cobwebs out of the dark corners and let the Son shine in.

Have a great Friday,


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