November 23, 2016

You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in You. Isaiah 26:3

700 years before a child came to save us, Isaiah spoke of Jesus as though he walked and talked with Him just as His disciples did because God revealed the miracle of Christ the Savior but also the devastation of judgement on the faithless. Through his 40 year journey as a prophet, Isaiah spoke to a people that would not listen. During this time he brought God’s voice of hope, faithfulness, judgement, justice and salvation and called for an obedience that would bring God’s glory to all nations. Instead, the people of Judah chose to continually put their faith in human principalities rather than the God that wove the universe together…………. The nations they trusted destroyed them.

There will come a day when God will end time as we know it. Judgement will occur and justice will be administered. No human theology, biased opinion or self-serving manipulation by man will impress Him or alter His pure truth. We have this hope for our eternal soul, but for those who believe it is possible to exist moment by moment in the assurance that God knows you as you really are and His mighty hand covers you.

A college professor once directed his students to envision themselves curled up in Jesus’ lap, head on His shoulder, feeling the comfort of His beating heart, knowing the gentle grasp of His calloused hands would never let His child fall. I followed that wise man’s directive and I found peace and rest. May you also.



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