Thursday, December 1, 2016

It is a land the LORD your God cares for; the eyes of the LORD your God are continually on it from the beginning of the year to its end. Deuteronomy 11:12

The Hebrew children are on the banks of the Jordan river waiting to cross into the promised land. They are being reminded of God’s faithfulness in bringing them from slavery in a barren land that took hard work and irrigation, to a land watered by Heaven and blossoming with bounty. A gift from God that will provide all their needs!

Why did God have to remind these people of the miracles they saw with their own eyes? Why did they argue, complain and build false gods?

The reality of the sinful, selfish world we live in makes us suspicious of everyone’s motives in all things including gifts. This propensity toward skepticism leads us to impose and credit human like behavior to God. PLEASE DON’T!! There is NOTHING about God that is like carnal man. Man was made in His image, but man sinned. God gives the opportunity to return once again to His image. NEVER does God become like man. We must chose to become like Him.

God has a wonderful place of peace and rest for each of us, but it requires obedience, faith, service to God and to others. We must live and love like we are the children of God. Then He is able to take care of us through His blessings, as the Father He is.



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