Saturday, December 10, 2016

If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9

You can argue many aspects of theology, but this one is pretty clear. Jesus, God’s Son, died on the cross, rose from the grave, reigns victorious over death.

Eternal LIFE doesn’t begin when you die, it begins when you are saved. So please, join me for a lifetime!



5 thoughts on “Saturday, December 10, 2016”

  1. As one who spends a lot of time “…unraveling some of the beautiful mystery of God’s wonder filled creation…” and “…argu[ing] many aspects of theology…” I am deeply grateful for your perspective that is at once intellectual, contemplative and pastoral.

    Your last two posts are the simple elegant answer to the chaos on both sides of the aisle: recognize our God’s infinite wisdom and love as Father, submit to His rule as King, and trust His Spirit to fulfill our deepest desires and the true destinies of our lives.

    1. Thank you for the added comments. Your words have deepened my thoughts. Do you blog or write anything I could read?

      1. Your question is very flattering, but no. I am however working on a book, but only in the synopsis stage just now.

        Pardon me for intruding on your blog uninvited, but your dad was so enthusiastic about it that I quickly read through it, and when the last two entries touched on just what Yvonne and I had been discussing on the trip down from Branson, I just had to chime in.

        We really enjoyed meeting your parents; we feel that it was clearly providential. We’ll be praying for your home Bible study.

        1. Dad said you wife had written a translation of John. I would love to read it. I look forward to reading your book. Thank you again.

    2. Last evening my dad shared with me how he and my mother met you and your wife. What a fun blessing. Thank you again for reading. I began writing this for an incredible group of people who have had a salvation experience but are somewhat Biblically illiterate. We meet in my home weekly for Bible 101. They are growing in Christ and writing brings me great peace.

      My dad is always very honest with me about my writing so feel free to respond. It only makes me think more and grow deeper.

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