Sunday Stories, December 25, 2016

Beans in the Floorboard

This is a story about my sister. Her wit keeps me laughing and on my toes, her resilience inspires me. Her joy sets the bar for my own attitude in times of trial. Gayle calms my spirit by walking in the room. I have seen her persevere through the consequences of other’s sin with love, determination and prayer for the offender. I have witnessed compassion for boy and beast that would have most mom’s on the clinical couch. She knows fear, loneliness, injustice, yet, she has resolved to be a bold and brave beacon of hope for those she touches. Except…..There’s this one thing.

Living in one of the nation’s largest urban areas, Gayle’s daily commute can be challenging. With thousands of people whizzing by, everyone must do their part and act with reasonable consideration. Coming to a near halt while making a righthand turn off a major thoroughfare is neither reasonable nor considerate…..according to my saintly sis. I totally understand her annoyance and the hazard. City travel needs precision and depends on a consistent momentum to run efficiently. This impolite, vehicular maneuvering turns my generous, gracious sibling into an acidic tongued renegade.

Then one afternoon the prayer line from Gayle’s church buzzed and she and her friends kicked into high gear. They made a plan to bring comfort and consolation to a local family experiencing a bad case of “Real Life.” Together they would pull these people up and out of their suffering. Gayle, who is an amazing cook, decided a huge pot of ham and beans with all the trimmings would be her offering. So off she went across town with a stock pot full to the brim of hardy provision and refreshment. Gayle gently navigated her route so as not to spill the beans. Soon she realized every turn she made, especially those to the hard right, were made with great gentleness…… from a near stop.

There was an epiphany. Gayle, so sorely tempted toward road rage, realized that if she was traveling with such great care because her heart was burdened and she was on a mission, maybe others were giving of themselves in like manner and had good reason for interrupting her speed on their journey.

Anger and frustration dissolved in the moment of enlightened understanding.

We often traipse through life thinking our problems are the greatest and everyone is deliberately impeding our progress. Yet, Jesus Himself uttered the words, “Blessed are the peace makers, for they will be called children of God.” (Matt. 5:9) He came to be our Prince of Peace! (Isaiah 9:6) Peace is the hallmark of our Savior. It must be our’s too. So the next time your feel twinges of irritation as you rush through your daily duties, remember, the offender might be on a mission…….with beans in their floorboard.

Merry Christmas and Peace on Earth, Goodwill To All!



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