Sunday Story, December 31, 2017


In January of 2016 my cousin’s young son wrote an essay, later found in his backpack. His mom posted it on Facebook and like his mother, I recognized the profound theology in a child’s simple heart. Then fourth grader, Sawyer T. Wilson, opened his paper with these words. “I have a dream that one day I can live in a world where people look back on war and think, why? I want to live in a place where people look back on fighting and think, why?” Logic tells me Sawyer’s class studied Martin Luther King’s famous “I Have a Dream” speech and were asked to respond with their own thoughts on social justice and America’s progress toward equality and peace.

Children don’t like dissonance, fighting and prejudice! They recognize it for what it is, devastating and destructive, borne out of man’s selfish, centrifugal, base instinct, better known as carnal sin. Sin is the act of taking matters into one’s own hands, replacing God’s plan and desire with autonomy to rule one’s self. Eons of evidence have proven this to be futile, yet man refuses surrender, until a child like faith reminds him to turn his heart toward a peace that passes understanding.

God created a boundless, infinite, perfectly running universe as the dwelling place for His crowning creation. (His words, not mine Genesis 1:26-28) God is love, He is peace. When peace was interrupted by sin, God, the Everlasting Father, sent His Son, the Prince of Peace, to earth. WHY?

I live among five and six year olds. They are peace seekers and keepers. In the big scheme of things they are helpless and have a great deal to learn on their road to independence, but along their journey, they have already learned that life is more productive and pleasant together. For instance, while in route to the playground, shoes become untied, a problem not readily solved by short, chubby fingers, lacking dexterity. So, I, their leader, am called upon to assist. I usually say, “Go on around, we’ll catch up.” but this is looked upon as insanity. The untied laces of a classmate’s shoe is no reason to disrupt the working order of agreed upon line procedures. Quickly, everyone gathers around, recites the shoes tying verse as teacher performs her skills for one or many, whoever is in need, and within seconds of completion, children realign themselves and the PEACEFUL procession to a good life, aka recess, resumes.

Sawyer, I agree! Why!? An honest answer to this one word query might change the world for the better.

Why? For the children….Sawyer, his little brother Paxton, their friends……for myself………for Heaven’s sake…..Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me.



Sawyer is the son of Jarett and Sarah Wilson. He is now a vivacious sixth grader and has a passion to worship and serve his Savior. I am privileged to witness the wonder of God’s work in the life of this young family that daily exemplifies Christ’s love, sacrifice and service to others. His words were used with permission from his mom.

Saturday, December 30, 2017

“Stand up an praise the LORD your God, who is from everlasting to everlasting.” Nehemiah 9:5b

Nehemiah was a civil governor, sent with authority from the Persian King to rebuild the Jerusalem wall, thus returning the City of David to the fortified city of refuge it had once been.

Solomon’s temple had been restored, but otherwise, Jerusalem offered no place of hope or future. Threats from neighbors, real and imagined, hindered the Jews from rebuilding their home. Then Nehemiah came with power and resources from the Persian King and in 52 days had the job completed. How? He prayed and petitioned God in all things. When the wall was finished he and Ezra, the priest, led the people in once again becoming the covenant people of the One True God, the Jewish Nation. They organized worship, read daily from the Book of Law and gave simple applications for Holy living. Revival occurred, the people repented and turned to God.

The above verse is the first line of the national confession. It continues through the chapter restating that God remained loving and faithful through the rebellion of His covenant people.

God is faithful, from everlasting to everlasting. When Nehemiah returned to Jerusalem to rebuild a wall, his real mission was to bring a dispersed and barely recognizable nation together and restore its identity in God alone. It wasn’t the wall that transformed these people of old, it was their return to worship and obedience within the wall that changed the course of their history.

A solid wall won’t give you hope and a future, but faithful obedience will guarantee it!



Friday, December 29, 2017

So they pulled their boats up on the shore, left everything and followed Him. Luke 5:11

“They” are Simon Peter, and his business partners, brothers James and John, the sons of Zebedee.

Luke 5, verses 1-11 tell of Jesus’ encounter along the Sea of Gennesaret (Galilee) with common fishermen who have seen the sun rise on an unsuccessful catch. In this story, Jesus gets personal. He advises Peter in Peter’s own area of expertise, and succeeds against normal circumstances, bringing Peter to his knees in humble confession.

Jesus has begun His ministry of miraculous hope and healing. People gather wherever He goes. On this morning He is beachside teaching about His Heavenly Father. While fishermen wash their nets, Jesus borrows Peter’s boat as a better platform. Following His lesson, Jesus tells Peter to let down his nets once again. It is not the time of day for prime fishing and these professionals have already seen a night of failure, but Peter obeys and brings in the best catch he’s ever seen. Rather than bask in the possible turn of fortune, Peter LEAVES EVERYTHING and follows Jesus.

Pursuing man in man’s everyday life, Jesus does not seek the perfect, but brings Holiness to the obedient. I wish I could tell you that the cost of following Jesus is so minimal that you hardly notice any difference in your life, but that is not so. On our journey to everlasting……we must carry nothing. For arms outstretched to a Savior must not be hindered by the burdens of this world.

Happy Week’s End,


Thursday, December 28, 2017

Worship the LORD in the splendor of His Holiness, tremble before Him, all the earth. Psalm 96:9

While Christians may debate the mechanisms of creation, there is no question of the relationship between the Creator and the created. The universe inspires us to worship, to marvel at the extravagant care and beauty of God’s power and love made evident in His gift of life and all that sustains it.

God can do anything He choses. He chose to love and provide a way for us to find our way, safely and securely to His Throne, where we can live in eternal peace, on earth as it is in Heaven.

This is a beautiful psalm to the Sovereignty of God, read it in its entirety. Sing, sing and sing some more in joyful thanksgiving.

Have a lovely day,


Wednesday, December 27, 2017

They will make war against the Lamb, but the Lamb will overcome them because He is LORD of lords and King of kings, and with Him will be His called, chosen and faithful followers. Revelation 17:14

From ancient times Babylon became the universal byword for human pride and vain glory. Following Christ’s death, Rome was often referred to as Babylon, the city committed to decadent pleasure that involved martyring Christians for public entertainment and celebrating ultimate selfishness with total disregard for those it cost.

John’s vision personified the greed and luxury that lures people away from God in every age including ours. We are drawn to a life that sparkles and promises to fulfill dreams and desires, but instead, takes without return.

The final chapter has already been written. Justice will be served on those who hurt and harm. Eternity is the absolute for those that persevere. The Lamb will overcome. Faithful believers have all the power of Heaven and earth to reap the victory that has already been won.

It is not God’s desire to deny anyone entrance into Heaven. The choices of man determine this, but there will come a time when all things are made righteous through our all-knowing, all-loving and all-powerful Lord and Savior….. And it will be final. Don’t miss it for the world.



Tuesday, December 26, 2017

“Sovereign LORD, as You have promised, You may now dismiss your servant in peace. For my eyes have seen Your salvation.” Luke 2:29-30

Levitical Law required that the Baby Jesus be presented at the temple with a sacrifice of either a lamb, a pigeon or a pair of doves, thirty three days after His birth. Mary and Joseph offered the least of these three options, therefore revealing that they were humble, poor people. Jesus left the limitless riches of Heaven to live among earth’s most deprived and needy population.

A righteous and devout man named Simeon was filled with the Holy Spirit and had been assured by God that he would not die before he had seen the Lord’s Christ. Moved by the Spirit, he went into the temple courts on the day of Jesus’ consecration. When he saw the baby Jesus he knew Him and praised God. (verses 29-32) Simeon recognized this Holy Child as the fulfillment of God’s saving purpose for the entire world.

God didn’t sneak Jesus onto the earth. There was much celebration and fanfare all throughout the event. He revealed His news with those willing to share in the beginning of a love that conquers every demon and foe the world will ever know. Like Simeon and all the others that saw the face of God, we too will know peace when we seek and find His Face.



Sunday Stories, December 24, 2017

Moments in Whoville

My fantasy destination is Whoville. You know, the city locked in a speck of dust found by Horton. With great tenacity of spirit this town’s population saved themselves when everyone did their part. This same community, led by the spirit of one small child, nullified the destructive hatred of the Grinch with kindness and joy. Yes indeed, I’d like to visit there, possibly buy some property and eventually join their numbers permanently.

Each weekday I arise early to deliver children safely to school. Near the end of my morning route I stop at a drive. Three beautiful little faces climb the bus stairs and take their seats. (Please note that all my riders are amazing and above average children. If only school personnel in other towns could be as fortunate as I……) They smile, always. They speak greetings and inquire as to the success of my day thus far, then they move on to join their friends. I look forward to seeing them. Secretly, I believe they transport themselves in each day from Whoville. They have whimsy packed in their pockets and radiate an enviable light hearted approach to life. I pray it never ends.

One afternoon not long ago, I encountered the father of my Cindy Lou Who’s. I told him how much his children encouraged me and buoyed my spirit each day. He thanked me for the compliment and then replied he was grateful to know they were living out what he strove to teach them, which is this, “If you only ever achieve one thing in life, let it be kindness.” Okay readers! Read that quote again! It’s good! “If you only ever achieve one thing in life, let it be kindness.” Mr. Whoville went on to say, “If you are kind to others life will give you everything you ever want.” I couldn’t agree more but this is not the philosophy predominantly being taught to American children in the 21st century.

My heart melted. I was so humbled by this parent’s endeavor to instill authentic goodness and generosity of heart in his children. Kindness as a life’s choice, is an unconditional commitment to a positive attitude toward all mankind. It gives without expectation, condemnation or restraint and makes the world a much, much nicer place.

John chapter 15 speaks the words of Jesus as He teaches His disciples they must stay connected to the True Vine if their lives are to produce everlasting fruit. In Galatians 5:22-23, Paul teaches a young church that the evidence of our connection to this True Vine is the Fruit of the Spirit: Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, KINDNESS, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self-Control. Jesus modeled kindness in all things. He made it His priority, and so, it must be ours.

Our town is small so I know this little home I speak of is not without its trials and sorrows, but they still choose kindness, peace and joy. I see it daily, I hear it in the air at recess and it echoes in my heart as I return to my own home each evening. They give what I desperately need, a mini vacation to Whoville, also known as, my own little piece of Heaven on earth.

Merry Christmas,


Saturday, December 23, 2017

So they hurried off and found Mary and Joseph and the baby, who was lying in the manger. Luke 2:16

The shepherds left their flocks, went into Bethlehem and found the Christ Child.

On this night, God became very personal. His power and glory is displayed throughout all the universe, His voice is heard through prophets that gave assurances and hope of His presence among us. AND THEN…..God chose to unite Himself personally with mankind. The Creator entered His own creation and became like His created, just to reveal a personal love for each of us.

Through this gift, God provided a way to bear our sins, break death’s grip and pay a debt to reconcile humanity to his original perfection. What man could not do for himself, Jesus came to do for them.

Nativity scenes are some the most magnificent artwork human eyes have ever seen, but don’t let the artist’s craft or nostalgia dull the foundational doctrine of salvation: Jesus was the fully human Son of God. Born to die, so you could live.

There is a hymn associated with the first Christmas night, Silent Night, Holy Night. A quick google search will reveal the manner in which this world famous tune and lyric came to be. A broken organ and a desire to worship in spite of obstacles brought about this beloved carol. Those that gathered in the manger went out of their way, put aside their daily lives, to worship. This Season of Celebration, don’t let man’s obstacles inhibit your worship and praise.



Friday, December 22, 2017

Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; He is the Messiah, the Lord. Luke 2:11

These are the words of the Angel Gabriel, spoken to shepherds on the plaines of Judea. The foretold time of a Savior’s arrival had come. There was great expectation. THE event of the ages was about to happen and without a doubt, Heavenly evidence was confirmation. Supernatural guidance led chosen people from very different walks of life to witness, worship and testify of the Christ’s arrival.

Each of the first three Gospels speak to certain groups: Matthew the Jews, Mark the Romans, Luke the Greeks. John spoke to all of mankind with the message that Jesus is the Son of God, God Himself. Greeks prioritized culture, wisdom, reason, education. Luke tells his story of the nativity in a classical, orderly manner that has been called The Most Beautiful Story Ever Told….and it is. He shows the wonder of the night, the glory in a manger and the universality of God becoming man.

It’s just my imagination, but I think and hope that someday when I reach Heaven, God will sit me down and say, “Hey Gretchen, look at this!” He will take me back in time for a moment and let me hear the angel choir and peek inside an animal shelter to see my Savior’s radiance on that night of Greatest Gift Giving, the night of Peace everlasting.



Just a little trivia on this 22nd of day of December. Bethlehem, the City of David, is the burial place of Rachel, Jacob’s beloved wife, the birthplace of King David, the home of Ruth and Boaz, and home to The Church of the Nativity, the oldest church in Christendom that sits atop a cave said to be the birthplace of Jesus, and IS the place where Jerome spent 30 years translating the Bible into Latin.