Friday, December 29, 2017

So they pulled their boats up on the shore, left everything and followed Him. Luke 5:11

“They” are Simon Peter, and his business partners, brothers James and John, the sons of Zebedee.

Luke 5, verses 1-11 tell of Jesus’ encounter along the Sea of Gennesaret (Galilee) with common fishermen who have seen the sun rise on an unsuccessful catch. In this story, Jesus gets personal. He advises Peter in Peter’s own area of expertise, and succeeds against normal circumstances, bringing Peter to his knees in humble confession.

Jesus has begun His ministry of miraculous hope and healing. People gather wherever He goes. On this morning He is beachside teaching about His Heavenly Father. While fishermen wash their nets, Jesus borrows Peter’s boat as a better platform. Following His lesson, Jesus tells Peter to let down his nets once again. It is not the time of day for prime fishing and these professionals have already seen a night of failure, but Peter obeys and brings in the best catch he’s ever seen. Rather than bask in the possible turn of fortune, Peter LEAVES EVERYTHING and follows Jesus.

Pursuing man in man’s everyday life, Jesus does not seek the perfect, but brings Holiness to the obedient. I wish I could tell you that the cost of following Jesus is so minimal that you hardly notice any difference in your life, but that is not so. On our journey to everlasting……we must carry nothing. For arms outstretched to a Savior must not be hindered by the burdens of this world.

Happy Week’s End,


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