Monday, February 5, 2018

Finally, be strong in the LORD and in His mighty power. Ephesians 6:10

This is the introduction to the full armor of God, the means by which we ourselves will survive Satan’s onslaught.

Written from house arrest in Rome, this letter reads more like a sermon than a correspondence. In it, Paul calls for unity and harmony among believers. Christians must be different than the world. The church, struggling with false profits, opposing theologies, prejudices and anything else satan can devise to destroy, is given specific instructions on how christians should respond to the world around.  First and foremost, God’s power in the life of a Christian is evidenced in our relationship with those around us.

The fight is on.  We may be saved, but that won’t stop satan from attempting to hobble our good works in the name of Christ Jesus. The enemy has forces we are unprepared to recognize and oppose without the strength and power of Heaven’s armor. 

Victory is not a casual, coincidental event.  It is fought and won by the stronger, wiser contender.  Be that warrior!

Watch out Satan, Here I Come!


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