Sunday Stories, March 4, 2018

Current events are not something I have ever brought to my blog, but this week my very wise father comforted me with perspective that only time allows. This story is longer than most, but its purpose is to bring hope and peace to confused and tremulous hearts and minds.



The recent Valentine’s Day shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida has again opened a wound in our nation that defies our most vigorous efforts to stitch, dress and heal.  The wound is deep, so deep, in fact, that the pain is not only an experience on the personal level of families of the victims but of all caring citizens all the way to the POTUS.  Immediately following the event, blame and possible solutions begin to fly from every sector.  All the Noise (news) Networks with their talking heads offered their diagnosis and treatment based on their political agenda and/or viewpoint. 


Among the comments and rants, there were many who sincerely offered words of condolence for such an unthinkable tragedy.  Anyone’s attempt to allay pain with words finds it an almost impossible task in the face of such a horrendous act.  Every attempt falls short.  That does not mean that the attempt should not be made.  God bless all the tender-hearted and caring people who spoke words publicly in empathy with those who were the victims.  The most common and sincere expression was “We are sending our thoughts and prayers.”  What more can be said that might be therapeutic?  This writer is at a loss to come up with anything better that would be acceptable for public dissemination.   These words were not intended to circumvent social action and change, but were directed to those most severely affected by the pain of grief and loss.


For dramatic effect, cameras and microphones where focused on anonymous bystanders for comments that some producer thought worthy of viewing by an anxious and vulnerable public. One such comment that was screamed and consequently broadcast: “We don’t need thoughts and prayers, we need action” followed by whatever prescription the speaker wanted to voice.  It is not my intention to join the fray and make judgments about possible solutions to what has become epidemic in our nation.  It is my intention, however, to express my dismay and broken heart at the very public repudiation and rejection of thoughts and prayers as a viable factor in our national crisis and response.


I have been thinking some thoughts about “thoughts.”  In my lifetime, I have come into contact with various theories of the power of the mind and the ability to communicate via mental waves.  It is called “telepathy” which means “the communication of one mind to another by extrasensory means.” (Merriam-Webster Dictionary)  For the sake of honesty, I do not know exactly which discipline of science is responsible for this study.  It must be somewhere in the broad spectrum between psychology and VOODOO.   Consequently, I cannot speak with even a modicum of authority on the subject.  I can relate to a quote that (I think)  is ascribed to the late cowboy philosopher, Will Rogers, “Most of what I know is hearsay.”  I have heard many apparently sane people speak of mental communication experiences with others that seem to have no other explanation outside of a mysterious power.  Let’s just leave it at that.  But….



I know by personal experience there is tremendous healing power in having a host of friends who sincerely and thoughtfully remember you in whatever predicament you may find yourself.  Expressions of sympathy in a moment of grief are healing.  To have someone come beside you with a loving expression in your time of trouble, faltering and inadequate though it may be, is priceless.  I’ll take those “thoughts” any day. 
They are not….well….nothing….they are really something! It gives me a case of the “warm fuzzies” just to think about it.


And what can I say about prayers?  For those who don’t pray or believe in prayer, nothing really can be said.  But for a world of people who, like me, believe big and understand little, we are going to pray on and for whatever occasion.   As is the case with my lack of knowledge of just how thoughts have mysterious power,  I confess there is a “knowledge gap” in prayer also.   The more I learn about prayer, the less I understand.  I was born in a home where prayer was a daily family activity.  I was taught to pray at home and in church.  I have heard long prayers, short prayers, loud prayers, hard prayers (I’ve never understood what “praying hard” means),  written prayers and extemporaneous prayers.  Our Lord prayed and taught us to pray.  St. Paul prayed and challenged us to “pray without ceasing.”  I have preached on prayer based on what the Bible teaches.  I’ve read numerous books on prayer  by good writers with sound reasoning .    Where am I now in relation to prayer?   I just pray.  Every day.  Any time.  Any where.  For anybody.  For anything….yes, even the small stuff.  It must have worked in my life because all I have to do is look around me and see that my life is bulging with blessings. The prayers , especially by others who have prayed for me, are about the only explanation I can give.


Let me do the “preacherly” thing and conclude with an illustration.  It may seem a bit off the wall at first but stick with me.  Some things fascinate me to no end.  One of them is the migration of flying creatures.  The blackbirds in fall come in swarms,  sometimes reaching as far as one can see in both directions.  Especially fascinating is to watch them late in the evening.  They are making configurations in sky to rival a kaleidoscope.  The directions, formations and precision is simply amazing.  In all that mass, some of them surely should be bumping into others and causing catastrophic results.  I’ve never seen it happen.  My question – which bird is in charge here?  Is it follow the leader?  Was there a choreographed plan for this aerial dance?  Was there a rehearsal before they left their summer nesting  area.  And that old gander at the head of the “V” formation of geese headed north in the night sky.  Is he on a higher pay scale than the others?  Was he elected by a majority vote?  Where is his GPS?  Where and when does he get his weather reports.  Is he on the Julian or the Gregorian calendar?


 By now you’re saying,, “Surly you jest!”  And, yes, I am a bit only to make a point.  A simple explanation that satisfies me until I get a better one is that they, as a flock, are in touch with something that we can’t understand.  Their cooperation and precision is a mystery but oh, so effective.  Oh! that the family of man could be in touch with a Spirit that would bring us together, engender a spirit of cooperation,  equip us with wisdom that is beyond our personal political and social preferences and heal our land and people!  Oh! that there would be a “Balm in Gilead” for the sin-sick soul!


 I know that to the unbeliever this is a futile exercise in idealism and radical faith.  But so far, our efforts via laws and regulations, etc., have failed us.  Maybe it’s time we all got together and send our thoughts and prayers.


Still thinking good thoughts and praying,


Bryan Jones



2 thoughts on “Sunday Stories, March 4, 2018”

  1. Very well said. Thanks. Praying “hard” for you and Sandy and sending lots of prosperous thoughts your way this morning… did you feel it?

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