Thursday, May 24, 2018

The Heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands. Psalm 19:1

Galileo Galilio (1564-1642) was placed under house arrest for suggesting, with evidence, that the earth was not the center of the universe.  He remained homebound for the rest of his life. This did not define him.  He made many discoveries and studies that we still use or refer to today, but especially important to this Psalm, he developed a telescope through which he discovered 17 moons around Jupiter.  For hundreds of years it was presumed that these moons were all formed similarly to earth’s moon.  That changed when Voyager 1 & 2 (launched in 1977) flew by taking pictures.  It was then understood that vast, complex diversity, from violent erupting volcanoes to seas of ice, existed on Jupiter’s satellites. Why does this matter? Because God makes amazing things, even if man doesn’t see or know it for thousands and thousands of years.

Creation declares God’s glory but His Word shows purity and wisdom. David would have known God’s power and authority through the Books and Laws of Moses, but he had a since of wonder  that led him to stand in awe of an immense universe made with love by One will, One breath, God’s.

Standing under an umbrella of stars, knowing there is more unseen, than seen, makes man seem incredibly small and alone, but David found it tremendously comforting to remember that in all of creation, man was God’s supreme design.  It gave him strength in all seasons and circumstances of his life.

Never feel insignificant. Know you are chosen and loved and the power that caused the stars to sing originates in your Father and He wants the very best for you always.



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