Sunday Stories, October 21, 2018

The imagination is a crucial motivating force in life.  Personally, I am a dreamer and my imaginings were always white picket fences and gingham curtains. I couldn’t wait for college, then marriage. I role played motherhood from the time I could hold a doll of my own. And then there was the ownership of that little white house with a fence. My visions from childhood prepared and directed me in the way I wanted to go.  But no one dreams of an empty nest. Bedrooms you designed as a haven for your children are now empty except for tokens of memories made. Neither do we dream of the years to come when our mental and physical mobility become limited and dependency on others becomes the only means of survival.  The days of youth are infinite, then one day you awake and they are numbered.

Several months ago my husband began making daily trips to a local retirement facility.  A friend became a resident. To ease the personal grief of age, Keith committed to visit often. One friendship led to many.  Keith enjoyed the camaraderie of folks up and down the hallways teaching each other to turn off their wheelchair and bed alarms to circumvent the diligence of the staff, and teasing each other over a dinner table no longer shared with family across generations, but people, once strangers, with the common bond of limited freedom. Keith discovered great evidence that the human spirit seeks joy in all seasons of life. Their resilience and determination to be happy is inspiring.

The dear friend passed away. In sorrow, Keith knew he must return to the nursing home to those who mourned too.  Recently, he was sitting at a table with an elderly gentleman when the man mentioned another person recently gone.  The former resident’s granddaughter and great grandson visited often bringing sunshine with their youth and energy.  He told Keith he missed the little fellow coming around. In his comments he recounted once when the small tike touched his arm and asked if he knew Jesus.  “Yes,” replied the elderly man. “Good,’ said the tiny minister, “Then I will see you again someday.”

As simple as that, a child, with unconditional love, cherished a human soul and brought joy and comfort.

And this is what He has promised us-eternal life. I John 2:25

Blessings and Peace to each of you,


Saturday, October 20, 2018

Because you did not serve the LORD your God joyfully and gladly in the time of prosperity. Deuteronomy 28: 47 (Chapter 28)

If you need absolute proof that the Bible is the divinely inspired Word of God, here it is.  Moses is directed to state the blessings of serving God only, never putting an idol or other god in His place. But He also lists the curses that will fall on this covenant people. They now number as the stars, but will be brought to ruin by the neglect and abuse of their blessings if that is their choice. Time told the story.

Israel’s peace and well-being depended on a right relationship with God. He knows the good that lies in store for the faithful and the sorrows of those who rebel and sin. Between these glad tidings and sorrows is man’s free will. Obedience isn’t the easiest route, but it is the only journey with a happy ending. 



Friday, October 18, 2018

“And you shall write very clearly all the words of this law on these stones you have set up.” Deuteronomy 27:8  (Chapters 24-27)

In an age when books were scarce, Joshua was commissioned to erect stones, apply a coating of plaster and write the Law on them so the people could see, read if they were able, remember, obey and teach the next generation.  This was a common custom across the cultures of the ancient world. Moses commanded that this be the first act upon arrival in Canaan.

These stones would be part of renewing the covenant of which curses and blessings were a part. A ceremony would take place. Six tribes each would climb opposite mountains. The Levites would pronounce the blessings and curses of infringement and the people would add their ‘Amen,’ or their ‘So be it.’ 

Can you imagine the enormity of this nation gathering on the mountain sides, and the resounding thunder of their ‘Amens’?  It would leave a lasting impression, just as God intended. Covenant keeping is serious business and the law was not to be passively approached.

God, in His Law giving and Love lavishing, was specific and purposeful. He left no loopholes. Don’t look for them, they aren’t there. Trust, obey, love and praise and God will take care of the rest.

Happy Friday,


Thursday, October 18, 2018

When you enter the land the LORD your God is giving you and have taken possession of it and settled in it, and you say, “Let us set a king over us like all the nations around us,” be sure to appoint over you the king the LORD your God chooses. He must be from among your own brothers. Do not place a foreigner over you, one who is not a brother Israelite.” Deuteronomy 17:15-15 (Chapters 17-23)

God created Israel to be Theocracy, not a monarchy.  For four-hundred years they did live under the leadership of judges and prophets as spiritual and civil leadership, but then they demanded that Samuel find and anoint a king…… so they would have the security that other nations enjoyed.

These verses are not an endorsement for a king. Even as the nation was putting down roots, God knew the heart of man and knew Israel would wish for a king, so God warned and gave direction for their selection and asked to be consulted.  God allowed this move, a complete rejection of His sole leadership, but He did not commission this act. God instructed that Israel’s king not take multiple wives, a practice among pagan nations to form alliances.  He warned Israel not to return to Egypt in search of greater wealth.  It takes a great deal of money to run a country and money would soon become a greater priority than faith and obedience.

King or no king, God is to be our authority. Governmental failure was the demise of God’s covenant nation, yet the faith of individuals, in the face of adversity and against all odds, was the salvation of mankind. There are great Biblical Heroes that had no government to lead them, yet they believed and followed the commands God had given hundreds of years before. Do the right thing, no matter what is going on around you!

Love you!


Wednesday, October 17, 2018

You must not worship the LORD your God in their way. Deuteronomy 12:4 (Chapters 12-16)

Going beyond the admonition to love and obey, the specific laws of daily living are once again restated. God intends for His people to be set a part, different from all other cultures and nations on earth. Acclimation is not acceptable, remaining different is!

God made provision for every circumstance that will ever arise, from worship to accidental death. Worship will keep Israel connected to God and obedience will bring blessings unique to them only.

Though we are no longer held to the rigid laws of diet and ceremonial cleansing, it remains important to deliberately live as someone set a part. All are born with the same natural instinct to sin, but when we believe that Jesus became the final sacrifice for our sins and we confess and ask Him for forgive, we become a new creation and we chose to be different than the world around us.  Where there is hate, we chose love. Where there is fear, we lead with faith. Where there is despair we lavish hope.  We are different because we are forgiven and we are God’s children.

Happy Wednesday,


Tuesday, October 16, 2018

And now, O Israel, what does the LORD your God ask of you but to fear the LORD your God, to walk in all His ways, to love Him, to serve the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul. (Chapter 7-11)

Israel is headed right into the heart of pagan culture. They will know the glory of great national/military victory.  The combination of these things will make it difficult to remain faithful and humble, something necessary for holiness. God commands them to destroy all idols and never forget the miracles of the wilderness where their clothes never wore out and feet never swelled from travel.

God is not clearing random people from the land of Canaan.  It is because of their depravity that God is allowing them to be destroyed, and it is not Israel’s righteousness that entitles them, but God’s judgement alone. Moses cautions Israel to remember their rebellion and the price they paid. National prosperity comes with wondrous promises and ominous warnings.

Spiritual survival requires deliberate removal of all that defeats. God will not share your soul with another allegiance. Don’t overlook the use of the word ‘All’ in the above scripture.  It is a very important component to the success of your journey to The Promised Land.

Have a Terrific Tuesday,


Monday, October 15, 2018

These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Deuteronomy 6:6-7 (Chapters 4-6)

The theme of these three chapters is “Remember, remember, remember, then obey and tell your children.”   

This nation was conceived in miracles. Apart from the supernatural, wonderworking power of God there would be no Holy people. Those that were to receive the inheritance were tasked with perpetuating faithfulness and humility in the generations to come. They saw first hand what God did and they must tell their children.

From Gretchen’s book of common sense: Children (of all ages) are taught, even when we wish they weren’t. What matters to their parents, matters to them. The more progressive parent might suggest their child should investigate and find their own answers.  Yes, children of every generation have done this, but the phenomena that persists through the ages is that they come back to their childhood securities. In other words, they fall back on the lessons learned at their father’s knee.  SO TEACH THEM! If you’re going to give God glory, testify first in your own home and live like you believe. Trust like you have the inside track on hope and obey like you know THE ONE that holds the future.



Sunday Stories, October 14, 2018

My parents have been married 57 years……to each other! In that time they raised four children who have all graduated college and are productive citizens.  They are grandparents to nine amazing young people, who again, are all productive citizens.  Sounds life a perfect life! And it very nearly is.  But sometimes, bills, muddy floors, bad breath….the list will always continue…..interrupt the dream.

Mom and dad lived an appropriately open life behind the front door of the parsonage. There was no alternate reality among two parents and four children. It was the same seen by everyone who knew us, except we might be in our pajamas and Gayle’s hair would be a mess because she hated tight braids and pigtails.

In living color we had fights. Greg was the oldest and he got to do EVERYTHING! Gwen was the youngest and she never got in trouble!!!! (Screen this paragraph for sarcasm.) I was the second oldest and suffered great persecution, with dirty dishes that were never finished until they were dried, put away and all countertops and sinks were free of standing water and spots. Oh the anguish! 

Laundry was also part of my domestic torture.  Mother had a particular way of wanting things done. There was no money to replace clothes ruined by a novice, so she managed the sorting of colors, detergent and water temperature, then the transfer from washer to dryer, but I learned early how to fold and put away our family’s wardrobe.  By mother’s standard, everything should look like it just came out of the package brand new.  Her closets and chest of drawers still look nicer than the shelves at Macy’s. My father often mentions this when he comments on the longevity of their relationship, but it isn’t to brag about her servitude to him, he knows better than to imply THAT! He is recounting the extraordinary lengths she personally went to as an exemplary keeper of our home.

A few weeks ago during ‘Dad Therapy’ my father said, “Gretchen, do you know I can get up in the night and find everything I need without turning on a single light?” Big deal! But, throughout his ministry and years on volunteer emergency teams, he did indeed have to arise quietly and quickly to attend those in need. He continued, “There were times when mom and I couldn’t utter the words ‘I love you.’ ” The starry eyed dreams of a young marriage faded as responsibilities overwhelmed. Dad didn’t leave his thoughts there. He confessed, “I couldn’t say ‘I love you,’ but I could look at those socks and underwear, t-shirts and handkerchiefs and think, ‘I really appreciate all Sandy does for me.’ On my very worst day, I know I will have clean clothes and a beautiful meal. I was wise enough to appreciate when I was too immature to love.”

Mom set a strong standard for us all.  We didn’t go out looking like urchins, homespun maybe, but not threadbare or improperly attired. When people came to our home, they didn’t leave hungry. And did I mention her perpetual warfare against dust bunnies? Yes, even in the places the public eye will never see, she conquers with lemon fresh Pledge.

God created man as a social species. Whether introvert or extravert, no one lives without a degree of dependance on someone else. Is it time to invest in some gratitude for your quality of life?  We naturally focus on the absence of our perceived entitlements, but who is doing what you cannot or will not do for yourself or others?

We always thank God for all of you and continually mention you in our prayers. We remember before our God and Father your work produced by faith, your labor prompted by love, and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ. 

I Thessalonians 1:2-3

Thanks Mom and Dad, for everything.



Saturday, October 13, 2018

“Do not be afraid of them; the LORD your God himself will fight for you.” Deuteronomy 3:22 (Chapter 2-3)

Israel had many victories over their foes as they approached the entrance to Canaan.  The people were still mindful of the strong nations already residing there, but Moses assured them, God’s got this!

A few verses later Moses asks God to allow him to enter the beautiful land he could see clearly from a mountain top.  God refused and commanded Moses to encourage and prepare Joshua to lead.

Moses could only see what earth had to offer, and it was good.  Rest was in sight, and he wanted to experience this most blessed home. But God knew there was a better place for this man of great faith, and yes, that Home too, was in sight.

In Matthew chapter 17, Jesus leads Peter, James and John to a mountain top. There Jesus was transfigured and spoke with Moses and Elijah.  They talked of the things to come, giving Jesus strength and encouragement to face His horrific fate at the hands of His own people.  What a tremendous testimony to the assurance of life eternal.  This man, so human in the early Biblical narrative, spoke face to face with Jesus several hundred years later and is still living and walking with God today as I write.  What a beautiful act of God, to give us this story to cling to as we journey along our paths and press on to The Promised Land.

Happy Weekend,


Friday, October 12, 2018

Then I said to you, “Do not be terrified; do not be afraid of them.”  Deuteronomy 1:29 (Chapter 1)

The word ‘Deuteronomy’ means ‘repetition of the law’. On the eve of entrance into Canaan Moses expounds on God’s commands and leads the people in rehearsal for their new way of life. From verse 26-31Moses recounts the weakness of the people’s faith, but reminds his hearers of God’s faithfulness to them, His loved people, and His covenant.

The episode of total, spiritual breakdown, after the spies return and tell of great walled cities and vast armies already residing in Canaan, is told once again. The rebellion that followed cost a generation their inheritance, yet God forgave, and those who know nothing but absolute reliance on God would soon enter their homeland.

The mentality of the original Israelites constantly questioned God’s dedication and love. They felt certain God was toying, playing them for fools and staging them for total failure. How little self-respect and worth they must have felt to have arrived at these conclusions.

God has no hidden agenda. He may be jealous of our affections, but He is NOT malicious. The plan is quite obvious in the story of man’s history. Each of us is born worship

god alone, love one another and experience eternal life. It is a free choice, but God is Good, loving and faithful. He will care you as a father carries his son.

