Monday, December 31, 2018

I will lift my eyes to the hills-where does my help come from? My help comes from the LORD, the maker of Heaven and earth.  Psalm 121:1-2 (Psalms 69, 120, 121, 9) 

The songs of ascent are a set of Psalms with a specific use and we know when and how they were employed. People gathered at the Temple, an important place of common ground where knowledge, strength and encouragement was gained. The Temple brought unity and life for the nation of Israel, as it was the essence of God’s presence among His people.

Jerusalem was set on a hill.  It was a fortress, the capitol city of the strongest nation on earth at the time.  The Temple set on a precipice within the hilltop megapolis. Whether people were climbing the stairs to enter its portals, or walking along the road from afar, meeting other sojourners on their way to celebrate and worship, eyes were lifted in the hope of Creator God, maker of all.

The primitive, ancient people did not understand that the moon’s light was reflective rather than radiant.  They knew the effects of overexposure to the sun, and so they suspected the moon had a danger too, just less obvious. They were cautious and sought shade from its rays too. They were wrong, but the greater significance is their foundational knowledge that the weaver of night and day, of a cycle of life that needed sleep for productive wakefulness, never slept, never set aside His watchfulness over His creation.  We are loved and care for without ceasing.

Happy New Year!


Sunday Stories, December 30, 2018

In the fall as school was beginning I was presented a shirt. The shirt read, #Iherdcatsandteachthemtoread.  If you don’t read hashtags here’s the interpretation, “I heard cats and teach them to read.” The first few weeks of kindergarten could be likened to wrangling cats, or possibly butterflies. I am always overwhelmed early on and think, “How will I ever get them ready for first grade?” Then we begin with the smallest increments of learning and soon I relax and know all is well, we can do this. When it came time for me to prepare Christmas gifts for my students, I made each child a shirt to compliment mine.  Their’s said, #thiscatcanread. Translation: “This cat can read.”

I wanted a special moment with pictures when I gave them their shirts. We went to our cafeteria, all decorated for the season, I sat them on some steps and began my gift giving.  Before the first child unrolled a shirt, a little voice spoke, “Thank you, Mrs. Rooney.” I paused and turned. The child hadn’t received anything.  I said, “You’re welcome, but you don’t have a gift yet.” He replied, “I know I’ll like it.”

On Christmas day my family attended the First United Method’s Christmas morning worship service.  As the liturgist finished reading the scripture, the congregation responded, “Thanks be to God.” Behind me, a tiny voice joined in, “Thanks be to God.”  I didn’t turn until after the final ‘Amen’. I had to put a face to the child that was learning to celebrate, The Word becoming flesh and dwelling among us.” John 1:14. The face belonged to a toddler.

Many years ago a couple I dd not know well gave birth to twins, prematurely. I was drawn to their situation and fasted, prayed, and fell in love with two beautiful babies from afar. They are now young college coeds with bright futures.  A few days before Christmas they stopped by my house and presented me with a framed photograph of my husband and I sitting on top of the world, laughing.  Where did they get this photo? Well……they were there. One snapped the picture while the other laughed too. God saw fit to bring us close and has allowed our families to share in many adventures to the edge of the earth.

The noise of the world often unsettles me.  I am sickened to hear God’s Holy name uttered as cursing, and watch the horror man brings on themselves and each other. At every turn of channel, cynicism, disrespect and hatred are marketed for various purposes. It wears me out, but there IS good! Lots of it.  The Bible says that our praises are like the fragrance of an unblemished sacrifice rising to God’s Throne.

Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise-the fruit of lips that openly profess His name. And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.

Hebrews 13:15-16

When we honor God, we change the world, even if it is just the space one person occupies. I am so grateful for the innocent goodness I witnessed this Christmas season. Little things matter so much. Don’t give up and don’t be afraid to be small. You’re making a big difference somewhere!



Saturday, December 29, 2018

He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; He set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand. Psalm 40:2 (Psalm 40, 70, 27)

David cut his teeth on God’s law. He was raised in a Godly household. Knowing God’s law enlightened David to the depth of his sin. His knowledge of drowning in a quicksand of one’s own making was first hand. He knew the panic, the horror, the lingering stench of self loathing! And then!!!! He was placed on solid ground and with a tether, anchoring his feet so they would never wander again.

In joy and sorrow, David spells out the things he has learned about God. He created infinite wonders. He is love, truth, protector, light, a stronghold, and faithful to those who seek mercy, and rest their hope in grace. There is nothing on this earth that secures like God’s majesty, wisdom and strength.

We must never lose our consciousness of need. God’s hand reached down, because David asked, and lifted (not pulled, there’s a difference) David up. God did not send a demolition crew, an aluminum extension ladder or a bulleted list of trouble shooting suggestions.  He moved and David found a new song to add to the thousands of others he was already singing. 

Sing Loud! Sing Proud!


Friday, December 28, 2018

Many are saying of me, “God will not deliver him.” But you are a shield around me, O LORD; You bestow glory on me and lift up my head. Psalm 3:2-3 (Psalm 3, 14, 28, 71)

The entire spectrum of emotions are felt throughout the Psalms. From the joy of salvation to the devastation of sin and grief, these hymns speak to every human, mental state. Psalms 3, 28 and 71 voice a “Peaceful trust,”  a sense of God holding you as a father securely and tenderly holds a helpless, infant child.

Contrasting peaceful trust would be violent, or turbulent trust.  Indeed, I have found myself drawn to faith, kicking and screaming, not wanting any part of life that demands a certainty beyond my immediate control, therefore, voiding the need for true, untethered faith. David’s survival depended on a faith that allowed him go to the edge of reason and still make righteous decisions, daily.

Paul uses Psalm 14:1-3 to argue that no human is sinless, but God hears every plea for mercy and justice. Every prayer becomes a praise, every praise evolves into hope, hope becomes faith, faith leads to assurance that God hears and answers, EVERYTIME. The future is full for those who seek God’s glory and rest in His arms. In this, David rested in peace. So should we.



Thursday, December 27, 2018

As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, O God. Psalm 42:1 (Psalm 42, 43, 55,)

David, in his later years, organized a group of poetic Levites into a musical guild. This was part of his plan for worship in the temple Solomon would build. Psalm 42 and 43 are associated with this group called the Sons of Korah.

David moved in and out of success. His young years were spent tending his father’s sheep in the great outdoors. While given responsibilities and chores, no doubt this young artist packed a party in his pocket and found amusement in the mundane, and great beauty in the ordinary. When he first penned Psalm 42 and 43 he was hiding among heathen people who were not friendly, or kind, but they did not wish to kill him as King Saul did, they only mocked his faith. Safe in body, he was ill in soul as he gazed upon the carefree life of nature; deer, doves, babbling brooks, and envied their effortless existence.   

Back and forth from despair to confidence in God alone David conversed with himself, “When will this end?” “God will take care of me!” “Had it not been for the lessons in the wilderness I would never have become a Godly man.” Sooooo….. I will praise.

We are like David, we rise and fall, multiple times a day in this fast paced life. We observe people and things passing by and wonder, “What if?” David questioned the vanity of a waterfall plunging deep into a canyon, only to bubble up, surviving and continuing on. Why can’t life be that simple? IT IS! Cast your (my) cares on the LORD, and He will sustain you, He will never let the righteous fall. Psalm 55:22

Happy Winter’s Day,


Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Blessed is he who has regard for the weak; the LORD delivers him in times of trouble. Psalm 41:1 (Psalm 41 and 62)

Psalm 62 is a song of complete devotion and dependance on God, in all circumstances. Psalm 41 is thought to be from the time of Absalom’s, David’s son, attempted overthrow.

Absalom’s coup was incredibly well crafted and executed. David had to leave Jerusalem for a period of time, becoming a fugitive once again. This rebellion ended in Absalom’s death, and David’s grief was profound.

Although anointed as Israel’s leader at a very young age, David knew every economic and cultural status of his time.  He lived every experience. From pauper to king, deranged lunatic to humble servant and noble ruler, David was there in living color.  He knew that God was faithful, his only strength, salvation and hope.

The word ‘times’ is plural.  We are all going to struggle and it will change you. Let it be for the good. David chose to chase after God’s heart, and he had no regrets.



Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Peace I leave with you; My peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.  John 14:27

Jesus’ Jerusalem was a tumultuous place. Subject to the Roman Ceasar and his idolatry and self obsession, Jesus’ time and place on earth was rampant with prejudice and injustice, both by Jew and Gentile. Things were about to get a lot worse, and yet, Jesus spoke peace. 

God created a perfect world of tranquility and then sin entered and interrupted the plan.  However, it didn’t ruin it or destroy it! Turn you hearts and minds to peace, the reason the King of kings came into the world as the child of a poor maiden, betrothed to a common laborer, born in a cattle stall…….so you could live in peace, not that the world provides, but custom made, straight from the Throne of God, to your heart.

Merry Christmas,


Monday, December 24, 2018

He does not treat us as our sins deserve, or repay us according to our iniquities. Psalm 103:10  (Psalms 32, 38, 103)

Psalm 32 and 38 are two of the seven penitent Psalms David wrote in remorse for his sin with Bathsheba.  David’s behavior with the beautiful woman he saw bathing and lusted for, was a happenstance of weakness, in contrast to a habitual, deliberate and willful violation of God’s law. Before this event, David avowed his righteousness. Shame, humiliation and bitter anguish drove him to repent and he returned to righteousness, a man after God’s own heart.

It is David’s testimony that confession relieves a heavy heart and great joy is found in forgiveness. Psalm 103, a very beloved passage, written in David’s adage, looks back on the history of a sinner, himself, saved by grace.

The Psalms are the living testimony of a man long gone, who knew that God is good, and hope is in God’s unchangeable love and mercy. For as high as the heavens are about the earth, so great is His love for those who fear Him, as far as the east is from the west so far has He removed our transgressions from us. Psalm 103:11-12



Sunday Stories, December 23, 2018

I once pretended to smoke a white crayon, Audrey Hepburn/Breakfast at Tiffany’s style. Mother saw me through the screen door and soundly punished me. Things not tolerated young don’t become vices when old. Candy cigarets and tobacco pouch bubble gum weren’t allowed in our house, and we never, EVER! used God’s name or any frame of reference to Jesus, as slang. It wasn’t so much a matter of what not to say, but one of thoughtfulness before you speak. Say what you mean, mean what you say and in this, your character will be known.

Christmas, the holiday that dwarfs all others in American culture, begins with the name Christ.  It is a religious celebration and as secular as it sometimes seems, it is harder to take Christ out of Christmas than to leave Him in its midst. But there is an issue of oblivion that ‘A once in a world’s event’ and the sacred esteem it should be given, brushes past us in the flurry of the hurry and we miss the most precious gift God gave, the attainability of Holiness and eternal life.

Throughout the holidays the word Holy fills the air.  It headlines Christmas cards and Advertisements, and is referred to in song, not only by Christian musicians, but secular artists that ring out a description of The Prince of Peace, Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Son of God, they do not revere. The premier definition of The Savior has become common slang and a feel good phrase of the holidays, but in reality, it is the foundation of all creation, the Holiness of God.

Holiness is the absence of sin. This is the one standard on earth where there is no variation, objectivity, or subjectivity. In all other things we sort, compare and rate value: ‘A’ is good, but ‘B’ is better.  I am bad, but someone else is worse.  Don’t judge me, you’ve done it too.……. But the Holiness of God cannot be ranked against a worldly standard.

We sing “Silent night, Holy night,” “O Holy night,” and more carols of a Holy Christ Child, but can we live as though Holiness is a reality? Strong arguments are regularly made concerning the fallacy of its legitimacy. Why? Because in a war of comparison we have a fighting chance but standing alone against our own actions and responses, we could easily be weighed and found wanting.  We cling to the hope of claiming success in some moral choices while admitting defeat in others. It is the ALL IN of Holiness we resist.

Scripture is clear, Holiness is required and possible, .

Search me, God and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting. Psalm 139:23-24 

In your relationship with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus. Phillipians 2:5

Be perfect, therefore, as your Heavenly Father is perfect. Matthew 5:48

God will not coexist in our lives with sin. He sent His Only Son to set men free from satan’s bondage, thus His purpose is Holiness for those who believe. Don’t wear yourself out with the housekeeping of your heart, let God do the renovations and domestic engineering needed to keep things worthy of a residence fit for Your King.

Merry CHIRSTmas,


Saturday, December 22, 2018

Cleanse me with hyssop, and I will be clean; wash me and I will be whiter than snow. Psalm 51:7

The title of the Psalm gives its time and context.  David committed adultery with Bathsheba, and conceived a child. He tried to use his power, as commander in chief, to cover his iniquities but ended with murder.  God’s prophet Nathan went to confront David, who’s response was brokenness over his own behavior.

David loved God more than life itself, yet he fell into grievous sin that left a path of destruction. At times he saw the great man God designed him to be, but in this moment, as he looked through the lens God uses, he viewed a despicable sin, a multi faceted crisis, that only love and mercy could heal.  No excuses, David asked for forgiveness, and he received it.

Total transparency with God brings humility to the heart of man, and compassion from the heart of God. When the two meet, tragedy becomes triumph. It’s God’s specialty.

Happy Weekend,
