Friday, December 7, 2018

For the LORD is righteous, He loves justice; upright men will see His face. Psalm 11:7 (Psalm 11, 22, 59)

David was a famous battle hero and made the king (Saul) look good by having him at court, but Saul was jealous of David’s fame and wanted him removed from the face of the earth. Run or remain? David had done nothing wrong, but was treated as a criminal.

To a man who suffered continual injustice, God, as a champion of truth, was David’s greatest comfort. God alone will put a final and complete judgement and sentence on evil. It is no threat to those who’s hope is in the LORD. Psalm 22 is called The Psalm of the Cross. The words of verse 1 were said by Jesus as He was giving His life for ours. David does not describe the anguish of the wrongly accused, he tells the story of an execution, a death parallel to Jesus’ last hours.

There were many times David felt God was deaf to his cries, and absent from his life of guiltless suffering. God’s silence is a most frightening emptiness. David ever felt it profoundly, just as you and I have.  David clung to hope. He reflected on the miracles his forefathers experienced. He remembered his own peace and practiced habitual praise and worship. Your journey is not what dreams are made of. David’s wasn’t, and mine isn’t either, but God is Holy and faithful. This combination is our security. Hope always, pray without ceasing and praise the LORD with all your heart. Upright men will see His face and the shadows will no longer terrorize.



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