Late one summer the Rooney adventures ended up on the shore of Lake Michigan. We delivered buses to Chicago and decided to continue north and see where the road took us. The lake side towns were charming and quaint. We explored state parks, climbed lighthouses, picked fruit in local orchards and splashed in the cold water of winter’s snow melt. In Ludington we bought tickets for a ferry ride across the great lake to Wisconsin. From there we would find the road home. The ship didn’t leave until morning, so we took a night’s rest on the sixth floor of a lovely, rustic resort.
Our youngest daughter has a horrible fear of elevators. I question, “Why? Of all the dangers in this life, why fear a tool of convenience?” It doesn’t matter, it is what it is. The night ride up to our room was made sleeping on her father’s shoulder. The next morning three out of four argued we had too much luggage to use the stairwell as every tourist in the Wolverine state joined us at the elevator. As we entered the lift with our ‘Excuse me’s,’ and ‘Pardons’ Melissa seized the opportunity to make a break for the stairs. In the lobby we realized our family was minus one and we morphed into panic ridden lunatics! I stayed at the front desk, diligently memorizing every face and vehicle that exited the property while Keith searched the building. My blood ran cold thinking of threats to her wellbeing. After many long minutes, father and daughter came trudging toward me. One face was frozen in belligerent defiance, the other begged me not to release my fear induced anger until we got in the car.
Only a few short months after Melissa exited the womb she discovered her super powers: Self will and autonomy. One means she wants her own way, the other is an awareness of her potential authority. Parent/child conflicts arose often when her will crashed against the wall of our wisdom and determination to protect and secure her quality of life and future.
So goes the story of every human since Adam. God is love and knows best, but every man wants to be boss, and since world domination is not up for consideration, they take complete control of themselves and as many others as they can fool.
“For I know the plans I have for you, and it is good” Jeremiah 29:11 Gretchen’s abbreviated.
These words, spoken to a people separated from God by their need to do as they please, are God’s call to trust His omnipotent wisdom and omniscient and abounding love.
Man cannot manage himself. He was never designed to. This is God’s place and we must relinquish our personal ideologies, theologies and lame excuses, aka free will, to find our correct place in the world. If you must lead, first follow, and then lead, to the Throne of God.
Halfway across Lake Michigan we realized our child’s rebellious act had cost her a suitcase full of clothes. In all the ruckus her baggage was left somewhere she was not and couldn’t be found and returned. But, we never pack our egos in our luggage, so we prayed that her little shorts and t-shirts, that would be too small the next summer, might find their way onto a needy child’s body, and that a countenance of love and goodness would go with them.