I will pronounce My judgements on My people because of their wickedness in forsaking Me, in burning incense to other gods and in worshiping what their hands have made. Jeremiah 1:16 (Jeremiah 1)
A contemporary of Zephaniah, Jeremiah was a country boy and son of a priest when God called him to be His spokesperson. He is known for being a reluctant and weeping prophet. He was so much more!
Jeremiah wan an engaged observer of nature, finding the wonder of God in things all around him. He felt under qualified to answer God’s beckoning, and fought his entire life with doubt and fear. Amidst his personal turmoil, there is faithfulness and an encounter with God that left this man forever changed. In spite of being labeled a traitor for encouraging submission to Babylon, seeing his personal writings burned in protest, knowing a constant threat to his life and being exiled to Egypt, Jeremiah stayed on message.
The people of Jerusalem once again returned to their attitude of entitlement, believing their city invincible, no matter their behavior. They were wrong. Still today there are those who believe God will just leave them alone, ignore their actions and exempt them from judgement because the refuse to engage in spiritual things. It is agreed that good people will indeed see Heaven, but those who chose to disbelieve or live on a greater, enlightened plane, will just cease to exist or become a positive energy to encourage and inspire those they leave behind. It wasn’t true for the people of 600 BC and it isn’t true today. God sent someone to a message of salvation and rescue. He is sending that same someone today. God takes His message VERY seriously, and so should we! Heaven is for real!