Monday, March 18, 2019

I will give them a heart to know Me, that I am the LORD. They will be my people, and I will be their God, for they will return to me with all their heart. Jeremiah 24:7(II Kings 24, Jeremiah 24, 48-49)

Jehoiakim, Judah’s king, must have had a death wish. He burned the scroll, God’s Word, dictated by Jeremiah to the scribe Baruch. Judah was also being harassed on all sides by enemies on their borders. Jehoiakim was destined to live in constant conflict. If that wasn’t enough, he rebelled against Nebuchadnezzer by refusing to pay his taxes. As the Babylonian army approached, Jeoiakim suddenly died. His son Jehoiachin became king and did evil in the eyes of the LORD. He was taken captive when he surrendered Jerusalem and Nebuchadnezzar set up a puppet king, Zedekiah, the third son of king Josiah. He would be Judah’s last king.

Jeremiah is extremely concerned that false prophets are still saying all is well, even though it clearly isn’t. He took the opportunity to prophesy against all those who have oppressed God’s covenant people. The list includes Ammon, Edom, Syria, Hazor, Elam and Moab, and as predicted, Nebuchadnezzar conquered these nations. He then turns his energies on those masquerading as the voice of God. Then, the LORD gave Jeremiah a vision, a hope for the future. The good figs in chapter 24 were the best people, those carried into captivity, including Daniel and Ezekiel, who would remain faithful. For them, God is shaping the future.

Out of the worst possible scenario, came the absolute best possible outcome. They would return and from this land would come a Savior, Christ the LORD, Emmanuel, King of Kings. Don’t micro-manage God. Let Him shape the future.



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