Monday, May 6, 2019

So we rebuilt the wall till all of it reached half its height, for the people worked with all their heart. Nehemiah 4:6 (Nehemiah 1-7)

Jewish tradition credits Ezra as the chronicler of the Nehemiah’s story. He was the cup bearer to Persia’s ruler Artaxerxes when his brother brought disappointing news from Jerusalem. Progress on restoration and rebuilding had come to a halt. Nehemiah, a man that always turned to prayer first, prayed for four months before he took his burden to the king. Artaxerxes sent Nehemiah back home with the resources he would need to rebuild Jerusalem’s wall.

Back in Jerusalem, rubble on top of rubble was still the scene even though the Temple had been rebuilt. When surrounding enemy nations realized this once great city was on its way to becoming a fortress again, they used all manner of force, ridicule, terrorism, intrigue and misrepresentation to stop progress. They succeeded for a time. If that wasn’t enough, the wealthy Jews were exploiting the poor, something God strictly forbade. This scandal hindered constructive progress toward a restored homeland. But, God’s plan outweighed any personal concerns a prayer warrior and courageous man of action like Nehemiah might have.

Nehemiah secretly inspected the walls before he publicly announced his mission. This brilliant civic engineer organized laborers and protectors so that life could continue as work began and in 55 days 1.5 miles of wall was complete.

Respect for God and His Law was paramount to Nehemiah’s objectives. His anecdote to evil (and there was plenty to go around) was prayer followed by action.  As a side note, Artexerxes’ step-mother Esther was probably still living and had a strong influence on his positive position toward Palestine. This is another story of miraculous timing and God’s sovereign power over all things. Long before the day Nehemiah was burdened with Jerusalem’s sad state of affairs, God had a plan of victory……..and He still does today!



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