Thursday, May 9, 2019

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. John 1:1 (Matthew 1:1-17, Mark 1:1, Luke 1:1-4 and John 1:1-18)

After so many years of military upheaval and falling to the whims of the stronger nations around them, Israel longs for an earthly conquerer, a King that will start a new world order. Instead, God provided a new dynamic in the relationship between Himself and man……a servant, not a powerful, charismatic emperor, but God Himself.  The LORD of Heaven submitted Himself to earth’s pain and sorrow. 

Geneology ends the Old Testament narrative and the New Testament story begins the same way.  Matthew, a Jew, shows Jesus’ lineage from King David through His earthly father Joseph. Mark tells the story of Jesus as told by Peter and focuses on Jesus’ super human power. Luke, a non Jew concentrates on the humanity of God’s Son, and son of Mary.  His kindness and suffering as an outcast are highlighted. John, known as Jesus’ very best friend, connects Jesus to infinity. He is God’s son, and God Himself, the Word, God’s revelation of Himself, a light in the darkest of times, Immanuel that has always been and always will be.

Jesus, Son of God, the Great ‘I AM’, was given many titles, each perfect to His character, but His own favorite name was “Son of Man.” Jesus embraced his human experience while leading all who had open hearts to understand He was the Son of God. This challenged the traditional teaching and hopes of Israel, but as the Gospel writers give their testimonial biographies rather than a history, Jesus’ purpose to save the world comes breaths life and extends to all eternity.



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