Saturday, May 11, 2019

And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men. Luke 2:52 (Matthew 2:1-23 and Luke 2:39-52)

According to Jewish Law, every first born son was to be presented at the Temple following the period of purification, or 40 days.  At this time, the child’s parents were to offer a sacrifice of a yearling lamb and a pigeon. Jesus’ presentation reveals how very humble His earthly life was. His parents were poor, so instead of an expensive lamb, they were allowed to offer two pigeons.

Jesus’ supernatural birth came with a supernatural announcement. A brilliant star attracted the attention of astrologers/scholars from Persia. These pagan men of knowledge encountered the Messianic prophecies in their associations with the Jews of the Dispersion. They knew something spectacular was occurring and went in search of the ‘King of the Jews.’  Herod, who was suspicious of everyone, was alarmed by the Magi’s visit. In his distrust, he ordered all infant boys of Bethlehem slain. However, Joseph was forewarned, and with the valuable gifts from the wisemen, a trip and short stay in Egypt became possible. They remained until Herod died, then returned to Nazareth where Jesus became known as The Nazarene.

There is only one event in Jesus’ childhood recorded in scripture. Pentecost of His twelfth year was a special time. All Jewish boys of this age began their training in the Temple. When His family left Jerusalem to return home, Jesus was still deeply engaged in his conversations with the rabbis and was accidentally left. Three days later His worried parents found Him in the presence of His Father. It seems Mary was reminded at this time just who she was rearing and she treasured it in her heart.

There are some other known facts. Jesus had four brothers, James, Joses, Jude and Simon as well as sisters who are not named. He apprenticed as a carpenter with his earthly father. Joseph’s story ends before Jesus ministry begins, so it is surmised he died, leaving Jesus, the elder brother, as sole support for his mother and younger siblings, until He was 30 years of age, the time of spiritual leadership for Jewish men when Jesus’ ministry begins.

Little is much when God is in it, and this is especially true of these small vignettes in the life of Jesus the boy. God is sovereign, His love knows no end, He cares for those who’s trust is in Him.

Merry Everything!


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