Wednesday, May 15, 2019

A man with leprosy came and knelt before Him and said, “Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean.”  Jesus reached out His hand and touched the man. “I am willing,” He said, “Be clean!” Matthew 8:2-3 (Matthew 4:12-25, 8:1-17, 9:1-8, Mark 1:14-45, 2:1-12 Luke 4:14-49, 5:1-26)

Jesus did not stay in Judea, the capitol area of Palestine. Instead He went into Capernaum, along the Sea of Galilee, taking His ministry to the city streets and country roads. His favored place was the local synagogue where common men gathered to read, ponder and discuss scripture. Here He began teaching with authority and fulfilled Isaiah’s prophecy. His teaching focuses on repentance. One morning as He was walking along the shore, crowds began following Him, listening as He taught. He got in a fishing boat and pushed away so He could be seen and heard. After His lesson, He rowed back and directed Simeon to let down his nets in a specific place. Simeon did so and had to have assistance to bring in the massive catch. Four fishermen, Simeon, Andrew, James and John were called to set aside their profession and become fisher’s of men.

It was in the synagogue that Jesus rid a man of an evil spirit and people began following Him everywhere He went. He healed many of their diseases. Jesus arose early one morning to pray. When His disciples found Him they moved on to another area. He knew people would look to Him as a magician and call on Him to make the moment easier, rather than seek a redeemer to heal their sin and cure them for a lifetime and into an eternity. But, when a man with leprosy came forward, Jesus was moved with compassion. Leprosy was a horrible ailment that isolated its victim from friends and family. In love Jesus touched the untouchable first, then He healed Him.

Friends brought a crippled friend before the LORD. Jesus was moved again by the faith of the companions and told the disabled man His sins were forgiven, upsetting the scribes who cried accusations of blasphemy. When Jesus made the man’s body whole, his soul was already thriving. Jesus, the all powerful, modeled the priority of spiritual soul over the physical body. What good is a healthy body if the heart does not know eternal life? 

Yes, Jesus healed thousands, but His greater mission was salvation. Our earthly life is temporal, but the soul is forever. Keep things in perspective. Resist seeking the circus act, or the magician but diligently pursue Jesus, Lamb of God, The Christ, the Great I AM!



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