Thursday, May 16, 2019

Jesus said to them, “My Father is always at His work to this very day, and I too, am working.” John 5:17 (Matthew 9:9-17, 12:1-21, Mark 2:13-3:19, Luke 5:27-6:19, John 5:1-47)

By declaring Himself the divine authority to forgive sin, Jesus aroused immediate opposition among the Jewish leaders. The Scribes and Pharisees correctly believed only God can do this, but they rejected Jesus as His Son and charged Him with blasphemy. They also questioned the absence of Jesus’ fasting during religious observances.  John the Baptist fasted, as did Moses, Isaiah and other Old Testament prophets in times of stress and strain. It had is function in worship, strength, guidance and clarity. Fasting for the Jewish authority was an advertisement of self-righteousness. Jesus had no need or patience for this empty act.

The Law was the authority and Jesus respected it as such, but tradition and interpretation evolved through the development of the synagogue and rabbis resulting in strict and highly ritualistic observances and ceremonial cleansing. Jesus violated these practices, not out of malicious negligence but through teaching that legalism is no substitute for the righteousness God demanded.

Jesus came to the pool of Bethesda. It was thought to have healing powers for those who were able to reach its waters when they miraculously stirred. A crippled man was lying at its edge when Jesus told him to take up his mat and walk.  Wonderful! Except it was the Sabbath.  After the Law had been sifted through the minds of the theologically shallow, healing and carrying one’s mat on the day of rest were both considered work. The Pharisees condemned Jesus for this kindness. Jesus responded by commenting the words above. His Father is always about His work, 24-7-365!  The Sabbath was a gift to man with the purpose of rest and restoration in the presence of God, not a prison of 24 hours. It is always the right time to do good.

The only objective of Heaven is to heal and make YOU whole.  There is no Law or Practice that can bring you and God together aside from prayer, worship and praise! Call His name and He will answer……EVERYTIME!!! Even on the Sabbath.



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