Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Jesus said to her, “Mary.” She turned toward Him and cried out in Aramaic, “Rabboni!” which means teacher. John 20:16  (Matthew 28:1-15, Mark 16:1-14, Luke 24:1-44, John 20-21)

At daybreak on Sunday morning Jesus’ followers, who had dispersed all over the city, began making their way, in various groups, to His borrowed tomb. They wished to embalm Him for permanent burial, having no inkling the prophecies had been fulfilled. Angels came, rolled the stone out of the way and folded the head cloth of Heaven’s Son. The frightened guards fled to tell the priests, who quickly composed a coverup, a lie that misleads still remains today. The first women approached, found the body missing and ran to tell others. As John and Peter made their way in the direction of the garden, other women arrived and heard the angels’ news. They too left to tell others. All were bewildered and anxious, but hopeful, joyful with caution. Mary Magdalene stayed at the entrance to the grave, grieving for the man who restored her life by driving the demons from her soul. As she wept, she heard someone. Believing the gardener was attending his early morning duties she asked if he had moved Jesus’ corpse. Moments later, her name was spoken by the One who healed and brought new life!

Throughout the day, Jesus appears to all His disciples except Thomas. It will be a week before the doubter can touch the scars where nails held The Messiah to the cross. The appearances on this resurrection day were not apparitions. Jesus was not a ghost. This risen Savior ate and spoke with them and allowed them to touch Him, confirming He was the Christ, the Son of God and there is life uninterrupted through all eternity.

No one understood God’s Kingdom or the things to come. Jesus’ followers tried to make since of their very limited understanding and realized there was no hope beyond His resurrection. We cry for many things, but just like Mary Magdalene, when Jesus gently speaks our name, everything comes into perfect, peaceful order. Quiet your heart and listen close. Love is calling you.


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