Thursday, October 3, 2019

Keep watch over yourselves and all the flock of which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers.  Be shepherds of the church of God, which He bought with His own blood. Acts 20:28

Paul is bidding farewell to the Elders of the Ephesian churches.  He is on a quest to reach Jerusalem by Pentecost where he knows his passionate proclaiming of the Gospel will end with him in chains.  He does not expect to ever see these friends again this side of Heaven.

Over 200 times in the Bible, God’s people are referenced as sheep, members of a flock. My skills and knowledge of husbandry are limited. However, there is google, and I learned sheep are hardy, social animals that can exist in almost any habitat on earth. They have excellent hearing, but poor eyesight making them constant prey to the hazards of the wild and frequently victim to the tame.  Does this sound like anyone you know?

Paul’s plea to the shepherds, who happen to be sheep also, is to be wary of the evil that never sleeps and who’s sole work is to destroy the church. 

My friends, if I knew that I would never write another word, never see, hear or talk to you again, I would spend my final breath telling you this…..Listen to God’s voice, He will guide you and keep you out of those pits and the mouths of wolves. His loving staff will bring you safely home.

All My Love,


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