Thursday, November 7, 2019

Therefore do not let anyone judge you by what you eat or drink, or with regard to a religious festival, a New Mood celebration or a Sabbath day. Colossians 2:16

Tradition is the living faith of the dead, traditionalism is the dead faith of the living. – Jaroslav Pelikan.

Paul is speaking to a congregation of new converts, gentiles, not Jews.  Up until the resurrection  Jewish people depended on strict adherence to Levitical law for guidance in religious behavior. But now, Jesus taught that loving God above all else and your neighbor as yourself, (Mark 12:28-34) was the key to the Kingdom of Heaven.

With the break from tradition, people were offended and arguments ensued.  (Read all of Col. 2. It’s really good!)

Tradition can guide us forward, but Jesus did not sacrifice Himself on a cruel cross to assure we worship twice on Sunday and once through the week with three songs each service, a forty minute sermon, an offering in the middle and pot roast for dinner.  Yes, the Sabbath is Holy, it is a time set aside for the exclusive acknowledgement of the ONE that gave His Son, and the Son that gave His life. That is love! There’s nothing traditional about that!  SO! Do not be held hostage by traditionalism.  Be an advocate and conduit of unconditional love in action.

Have a great Thursday!


Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in
you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own.
1 Corinthians 6:19

Corinth was a bustling metropolis, one of the top five busiest towns of the Roman empire at the time of Paul’s missionary trip there.  Located between the Aegean and Adriatic seas with ports on each, Corinth was the crossroad of a diverse world. These people lived with gusto, they were on the move, pagan worship was the order of the day. They understood the significance and reverence of a temple.

Paul had been preaching a gospel of love rather than law.  His listeners were converted gentiles with very little knowledge of God, much less Holy living. ‘Anything goes’ was the extent of their ethical and moral teaching. So Paul explains, there is a tremendous difference between being free to do anything and having anything made free to you.  Where is the balance between privilege and detriment?

God’s design for your life is beautiful and uncomplicated.  Satan certainly wants to clutter things up with emotional, spiritual and physical baggage.  However, God saves, sanctifies and makes Holy your body and soul, thus creating a perfect dwelling place, a temple, for His Spirit.

Holiness is simply the absence of sin.  God won’t, can’t, dwell with sin as a housemate.  If you long to live Holy then you are not your own. Let God’s Holiness fill the spaces of your life so completely that there is no room for anything but His precious, powerful Spirit.



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Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believer in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity. I Timothy 4:12

The authority is in the Message, not the messenger.  Verse 11 says, “Command and teach these things,” referring to the prior verse, “We have put our hope in the Living God, who is the Savior of all men, especially those who believe.”

Most people say, “I’ll help if someone else will take charge.”  Leading is a difficult position, whether you’re referring to a flock of geese flying south, or the women’s auxiliary organizing a bazaar.  Leaders are vulnerable to criticism and other’s unwillingness to constructively follow. A great leader sets their eye on the goal, is confident in their mission and plan of action, then marches on undistracted.  Age may grow a thicker skin and perseverance through practice, but age does NOT determine the message.

Do not let any excuse mute your voice. Live to the standard set before you: Holiness in speech, conduct, love, faith and all purity, then go boldly where others fear to tread.

Love, (from a not so youthful,)


Monday, November 4, 2019

For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you. We continually ask God to fill you with the knowledge of His will through all the wisdom and understanding that the Spirit gives. Colossians 1:9

Each of Paul’s epistles began with words of commendation and praise for those who have heard and accepted the Gospel. These particular words go out to the Christians in Colosse, a small town located in what is now western Turkey, a place Paul was never able to visit personally, but felt great connection to through their pastor and his student Epaphras.

Paul is an evangelist, pastor, missionary, friend and disciple.  He was not God!!!!  He knew where his limits ended and only God’s could continue.  He prayed this church, these people, would find clear and perfect knowledge and grow in wisdom and understanding through the work of the Spirit.

It is often difficult to do the work God calls us to, then step back and release the outcome to Him.  Remember, the same God that reached down into your deep pit of spiritual quicksand will reach down to those you pray for and minister to. Paul presented the Gospel.  That’s all any of us can do. You be you, and let God be God. 

Have a Peaceful Day!



Saturday, November 2, 2019

Then from Heaven Your dwelling place, hear their prayer and their plea, and uphold their case. I Kings 8:49

As part of the dedication of the Jerusalem Temple, the first permanent House of Worship to the One True God, Solomon spoke these words.  The request is very simple: Let this physical building be a symbol of Your long, enduring patience with a human race that can’t seem to keep their eyes and hearts on You alone.

I am a steeple watcher.  I was fortunate to travel to Europe several years ago. The trip involved touring many cathedrals and basilicas. Their magnificent size and beauty was indeed, breath taking.  Every town, even the smallest, had a chapel at its center, with sky scraping spires drawing the weary toward hope. So why did these walls cast a shadow on a lost world?

In America we have churches on every corner, in every shape and size, easily accessible to everyone. Yet, the world doesn’t come. That’s okay, because the building isn’t the sum of what God can or will do. You’ll find ‘that’ in the glorious cross atop those ornate pinnacles, those spires drawing you toward the One True God.

Raise your face to the Son/sun today and you’ll probably see a steeple or two. Let each one you pass remind you that God still choses to dwell among us, hearing our plea and upholding our case.  Oh! What a wonderful promise.



Friday, November 1, 2019

For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the Kingdom of the Son He loves. Colossians 1:13

As the salutation/introduction part of Paul’s letter to the church of Colosse, these words are part of an encouragement and praise to the faith of these baby Christians gathering to worship and grow.

It isn’t the dark that intimidates, it’s what’s IN the dark that gives pause. In the dark of night shadows take on a life of their own, accents become obstacles. There is no surety in stepping forward or remaining still.  Darkness is horrible.  Satan’s dwells there. Confusion, injustice and sorrow are the laws of his dominion.

God has made a way to His Kingdom of light, His Son, the Christ, Jesus. God’s love is so radiant that the light is casts dissolves all shadows (even those under your feet).   

Don’t give up!  You’re not alone.  God is at work and you will make it!

