Thursday, December 5, 2019

Those who accepted His message were baptized, and about three thousand were added to their number that day.  Acts 2:41

There are two types of scripture, descriptive and prescriptive.  Sometimes the two overlap, other times not at all.  When reading descriptive, or narrative Biblical stories we must ask, “Why is this important to me today?”  The book of Acts predominately tells the story of the Apostles journey into a world without Jesus in the flesh, and the beginning of Christianity.  Jesus now becomes known by the Hebrew word ‘Christ’ and the same word in Greek, ‘Messiah.’  Up until just a few weeks prior to this Pentecost event these believers knew Jesus predominantly as ‘Son of God,’ and ‘Son of man.’  They were only beginning, by their faith, to understand a Savior that conquered through love and sacrifice rather than the anticipated establishment of earthly social and political power.  This revelation and the coming of the Holy Spirit completed God’s redemptive work through the cross. Now the disciples were given their marching orders. Proclaim!

Proclaiming meant preaching to the same people that conspired to have Jesus executed for blasphemy. This populous intended to quiet the societal disturbance and return to their comfortably established pecking order, but instead, their selfish agenda completed God’s plan of total victory over death. Satan lost all power over sin.  The response was spectacular! Three thousand souls, in one place, in one moment, believed!

The amazing Grace in this story is that these words were spoken by Peter, the disciple that denied knowing Jesus then ran away and hid on the night his friend was arrested. The voice that was quieted by fear was now preaching forgiveness and eternal life to the very people who screamed “Crucify HIM!” at the top of their lungs!


NONE OF THESE OFFENSES MATTERED! EVERYONE WAS OFFERED SALVATION!  So why does this descriptive passage of scripture matter?……………God loves you that much too!

Have a great day,


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