Wednesday, January 8, 2020

A bruised reed He will not break, and a smoldering wick He will not snuff out.  In faithfulness He will bring forth justice.  Isaiah 42:3

Chapter 42 of Isaiah’s prophecy contains a poem referring to a servant.  The servant is the LORD. New Testament writers quoted this passage often and know this servant to be the Christ. (See post script)

Verse 3 holds two metaphors that bookend what the author of love first wrote in the story of man.  He will not break a bruised reed.’  A bent piece of straw may hold a scar, but it is not severed and left to rot. God’s work is NOT to complete a destruction begun by sin. Instead He binds up, supports, heals, restores.

A smoldering wick He will not snuff out.  Referring to an old fashioned lamp, the writer depicts an empty oil reservoir, a smoking ember, a near useless vessel.  But where there is life, there is purpose, fresh oil and a new bright light that shines into ‘the dark dungeon for those that sit in darkness.’ (vs. 7) 

God is creator, author, designer.  He does not destroy or decommission. He is faithful and just. He redeems and gives purpose.



Tuesday, January 7, 2020

We love because He first loved us.  If anyone says, “I love God,” yet hates his brother, he is a liar. For anyone who does not love his brother whom he has seen, cannot love God, who he has not seen.  And He has given us this command: Whoever loves God must also love his brother. I John 4:19-21 (I encourage you to read all I John 4:7-21)

God is the source of our love, its strength, its power, its purpose, but love we must!  It’s not an option and God doesn’t accept excuses or extend exemptions.  Love is a command and we must obey.

Have a great Tuesday!


Monday, January 6, 2020

He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God.  Many will see and fear and put their trust in the LORD. Psalms 40:3

The entire Fortieth Psalm is the story of Salvation and the journey of faithfulness. While salvation is a single act of faith and repentance, the journey is just beginning.  Each day brings a deeper understanding of God’s sovereign love and grace, therefore, our old songs of praise just won’t do! This is not about traditional versus contemporary, but a fresh revelation of all that God has done and is willing to do in your life.

Many will see and fear and put their trust in the LORD.  Your praise matters!  Walking through the valley looking at a mountain top believed to be forever beyond reach, God is faithful and the songs of praise from others give testimony of hope and victory. Your praise is an encouragement to others when they struggle.

When I was a very young adult, finding my way, I broke down in front of a coworker. I didn’t even know she was a believer.  She quoted scripture about the order and steadfast nature of God. It was a new song of praise I had never heard, a sustaining food for my soul.  Praise matters!

Tuning Up!


Saturday, January 4, 2020

You shall not covet your neighbor’s house. You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, or his male or female servant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor. Exodus 20:17

The accumulation of earthly possessions quickly divides man in ways that only men deem great.   

Coveting begins as a simple passing thought, “Wow, that’s nice! How great life would be if only I had that!” Coveting turns into entitlement, “Wow, if you loved me more you would give me that. I deserve that.” Now things are completely out of control! “I will do anything, no matter the cost to me or mine, to have that!” 

God says, “Don’t EVEN go there.” (Gretchen’s paraphrase)

The great equalizer is death. There will come a moment when it will be just you and God looking back at what transpired with no excuses or exceptions.  Do not misspend your soul.  Love what God loves and put your investments there.



Friday, January 3, 2020

Then the LORD said, “If they do not believe you or pay attention to the first sign, they may believe the second.”  Exodus 4:8

From a burning bush God calls Moses to return to the home of his birth and deliver the descendants of Abraham out of slavery.  Moses is a little overwhelmed!  He must convince an entire population to follow him into the unknown, tell a pharaoh, who believes himself to be god, to free his cheap workforce, and expect the Egyptian people to accept a new existence without their slaves.  Of course Moses has a few questions!

God shows Moses the miracle of his rod turning into a snake and then back into a rod.  Moses’ hand became diseased and then whole again. God was showing Moses he was not going alone, underprepared and lacking in resources.

Moses’ doubts and questions did not incite God’s wrath.  We are human, He is God.  God doesn’t chose perfect people to fulfill His plan, He perfectly empowers people through obedience, to fulfill His plan.

Do you have questions? Ask God. He answers.  Are you overwhelmed? Give it God. He carries burdens. Are you insecure? Remember you are the child of the King!

Happy First Weekend of 2020,


Thursday, January 2, 2020

Now the whole world had one language and a common speech. Genesis 11:1

When God flooded the earth, He granted man a new beginning and the planet began repopulating in a land called Babylonia.  This infant civilization shared one common language. 

God said to multiply and fill the earth but these people were afraid.  They preferred to stay together and make a name for themselves as a strong and ingenious people, building a city of bricks and tar and engineering magnificent temple towers or ziggurats. In doing this, they developed a false sense of security.

This display of arrogance, self reliance and rebellion, brought God’s judgement. The result: God confused the language forcing men into common groups, creating ethnic and cultural division and separation, thus fulfilling His design for creation.

The diversity of earth is God’s glory and majesty. He separated humanity to affirm who was God and who was not. This same God draws man back together unto one Salvation, again, displaying who is God and who is not.  It all fits together in obedience to the One true God and love toward one another.



Wednesday, January 1, 2020

For you have been born again, not of perishable seed, but of imperishable, through the living and enduring word of God. I Peter 1:23

Peter, a fisherman, an apostle, a preacher, a missionary, a martyr, but first and foremost, a sinner saved by grace, writes this letter to encourage his fellow believers facing savage persecution. 

As one of Jesus’ closest confidants, Peter was witness to His greatest miracles. He walked on water with Jesus holding his hand. He felt Jesus’ poignant forgiveness after denying Him on the night of His trial. He was the first of the disciples to see the empty tomb. Peter shared the very air he breathed with Jesus. He speaks with great authority of what he knows. 

Someday the earth will pass away, it will perish, but God is the God of infinity, eternity, a time that will never end, and as His children we share in this inheritance.  We will never end either. It’s called eternal life and it is a free gift.  Start you New Year off with this blessed assurance.

Love to each of you,
