Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her. Ephesians 5:25
There must have been marital issues in the early church. There must have been disputes about who got to have the last word, who got to do what and it must have been ugly or Paul would not have felt compelled to write these words of instruction. Christian homes are not exempt from gender role issues. We have this in my home starting with the fact that my husband is a much better cook than I am. The issue Paul is addressing is not who does what, or who is designated a slave and who has the right to be a petty tyrant. It is unity rooted in LOVE!
The scripture proceeding this states, “Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything.” There is no mention of the word LOVE in this verse, but I go to church and submit myself to worship and service because I LOVE! Christian communities, especially families, should model a right relationship with Jesus and each other. (For appropriate definitions of love see I Corinthians 13)
Years, (I mean years!) ago, my stay at home mother became ill with the flu. During her incapacitation my dad made the best potato soup I ever remember tasting, to feed his four little children! He kept up with the dishes and the laundry too. It wasn’t about who was meant to do what, it was about taking care of this important and intimate relationship. He acted out of love. In turn, my mother packed the household more than once and stepped into the unknown because dad felt the call of Christ to go into a new community and spread the Gospel. Her actions were indicative of her great faith in her Savior and the husband called to serve. It’s all about love!
Have a great almost Friday,