Wednesday, November 18, 2020

And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out His love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom He has given us.  Romans 5:5

God has done what He said He would do.  He has kept His promises, He dealt with sin once and for all. He gave is Son, not one person to die so another could live, (this would be a logical equality of sorts) but One man to GIVE His life so that ALL may live. 

Mankind has a disease, sin.  This carnal nature is universal and if unchecked, cuts us off from God and condemns us to death. The death and resurrection of Jesus has given man justification, the ability to be found ‘Not Guilty’ of our sins. 

All because God loves us and continues to extend His boundless love through grace and mercy and the power of the Holy Spirit, we have life, peace, and HOPE. 

Happy Wednesday,


Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Be merciful to those who doubt; Jude 23

Although he wrote this letter when he was very old, Jude is the younger brother of Jesus and their brother James.  He expresses in the early verses of this short letter that he wanted to write out of Christian fellowship, but he learned of teachers with very secular immorality coming to a place of spiritual leadership and using it to abuse and corrupt.  Jude’s intention was to build resistance to those who taught falsehoods and strengthen the ethics of those who love and believe. 

Jude himself did not believe that Jesus was the Son of God during His earthly ministry. He was witness to Jesus’ earthly works and still did not follow! It was the resurrection that brought about his faith. He knew doubt, but he also knew the glory, wonder and transformation of grace and mercy. 

We are called to extend Christ like behavior to a world in need of salvation. Your faith can be someone’s answer to prayer in overcoming doubt, accessing the Power of the Holy Spirit and/or finding grace and mercy. What an amazing calling for each of us.

Have a great Tuesday,


Monday, November 16, 2020

My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? John 14:2

John was one of Jesus’ closest friends. He and Peter were recognized as the leaders of the twelve disciples. His gospel focus was Jesus’ deity, not the miracles He did, but the things He said about His Father and His eternal Home.

Jesus has celebrated His final Passover meal on earth.  He has shared His fate with His friends. They are confused, frightened and humanly driven to redirect destiny. God knows best, but it takes a lot of faith to rest easy!  Chapter 14 is the comfort chapter.  Jesus Himself gently tells that intimate circle, “Don’t be troubled. Stay the course.”  The questions continue on and on…..Jesus meets each fear with Good News!

This passage is one of the most beloved in the entire Bible and often quoted as those we love walk through the valley of the shadow of death. Jesus, Son of man, the carpenter that worked beside His earthly father building homes, is the Master Builder, Son of God that is leaving to build a perfect place in Heaven for those who believe and follow. 

These are Jesus’ words. He has a place ready, custom designed for those He chose to die for.  What makes this home so wonderful? It is built by love.

Have a lovely day,


Saturday, November 14, 2020

And if he finds it, truly I tell you, he is happier about that one sheep than about the ninety-nine that did not wander off. Matthew 18:13

This verse is not about the security of ninety nine obedient sheep that do not need supervision. (FYI, sheep forever need guidance and oversight.) It IS about the value of the one lost sheep and the extreme measures the shepherd is willing to extend to assure the safety and salvation of the lowly beast that chose to drift into dangerous territory and became vulnerable to the pitfalls of the world.

I have lost things of trivial significance.  When I stumble across them I think, “Oh! I’ve been looking for that.” and passively place the item back where I can find it if needed.  However, when things of great value are lost, I want the world to stop until the object is found. Retrieval is the highest priority.  I am truly joyous when the lost is found and returned to its honored place.  The worth I assign the lost, then found, determines the intensity of my search and celebration. 

The world’s standards are not the ways of Heaven. On earth it’s every man for himself. ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN, the strong help the weak. It is our mission, our calling. The lost, stuck, abandoned and hopeless won’t find their way if we don’t leave our safety, go find them and bring them home. Jesus has shown us how much they matter to Him. Now we must act.



Friday, November 13, 2020

And He took the children in His arms, put His hands on them and blessed them. Mark 10:16

Children track dirt, leave marks on the walls and windows, make a lot of senseless noise, peek in every closet and drawer and exhaust their grownups with unending inquiries. They do very little independently, but ask for companionship and love.  

People, probably their mothers, were bringing little children to Jesus so that He could lay His hand on them and bless them.  The disciples rebuked them, treated them as a distasteful nuisance, but Jesus became indignant and said, “Let the little children come to me.”  

In Jewish life women and children had no worth, yet Jesus used childlike humility and faith as the model of correct approach the the Kingdom. Despite gritty fingers, dirty feet and most likely a snotty nose or two, Jesus took the children into His arms and gave them value. My mind tells me there were a few boo boos that needed attention also and as always, Jesus did what He does best, He healed them and those precious lives were forever changed.

The world’s value system is skewed and has no bearing on true worth. If we want to come to Jesus we must come with a heart made innocent by trust and if we desire to be like Jesus, we must see and love what He does, even if soap and water hasn’t touched it for days.

Embracing My Inner Child,


Thursday, November 12, 2020

And He took the children in His arms, put His hands on them and blessed them. Mark 10:16

Children track dirt, leave marks on the walls and windows, make a lot of senseless noise, peek in every closet and drawer and exhaust their grownups with unending inquiries. They do very little independently, but ask for companionship and love.  

People, probably their mothers, were bringing little children to Jesus so that He could lay His hand on them and bless them.  The disciples rebuked them, treated them as a distasteful nuisance, but Jesus became indignant and said, “Let the little children come to me.”  

In Jewish life women and children had no worth, yet Jesus used childlike humility and faith as the model of correct approach the the Kingdom. Despite gritty fingers, dirty feet and most likely a snotty nose or two, Jesus took the children into His arms and gave them value. My mind tells me there were a few boo boos that needed attention also and as always, Jesus did what He does best, He healed them and those precious lives were forever changed.

The world’s value system is skewed and has no bearing on true worth. If we want to come to Jesus we must come with a heart made innocent by trust and if we desire to be like Jesus, we must see and love what He does, even if soap and water hasn’t touched it for days.

Embracing My Inner Child,


Wednesday, November 11, 2020

“You will not have to fight this battle. Take up your positions; stand firm and see the deliverance the LORD will give you, O Judah and Jerusalem. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. Go out to face them tomorrow, and the LORD will be with you.” 2 Chronicles 20:17

The Chronicler’s mission is to tell the positive stories of ancient history.  One of his favorite themes is that faithfulness brings blessings. This is true and King Jehoshaphat is a wonderful example of a Godly leader and a blessed nation. He sought the LORD in all things and began a program of public instruction that included sending priests on regular circuits with copies of the Law to teach the people. 

When Jehoshaphat was informed that a massive army was marching toward him, he called the entire nation to fast and pray and he himself inquired of the LORD. In verse 12 Jehoshaphat’s prayer states, “We do not know what to do but our eyes are on You.”  What a beautiful, confession of faith!  All of Judah, from the eldest to the least, stood before the LORD anxious, and then the Spirit of the LORD came. Through a prophet’s voice the words above are heard. 

When tomorrow came, Jehoshaphat spoke final words of praise and faith. His appointed worship leaders led, “Give thanks to the LORD, for His love endures forever.”  As they sang, the opposing armies began to attack each other. Those seeking war found a fight among themselves and self-destructed.

It isn’t man that needs the last word, but God. Oh how very hard that is to accept, but He will fight all the battles you give Him charge over. 

Happy Wednesday!


Tuesday, November 10, 2020

He did not enter by means of the blood of goats and calves; but He entered the Most Holy Place once for all by His own blood, having obtained eternal redemption.  Hebrews 9:12

God made a covenant with Israel when, through Moses, He led them out of Egyptian slavery. A designated place of worship was given to this nation, a Tent, the Tabernacle. God resided with His people, but His people did not have direct access to Him. Once a year the high priest went into the Holy of Holies, the inner sanctuary, covered in the blood of goats and calves, to make atonement. This was an annual ritual to remind the people of their sins. It was limited and had no power of redemption. The bondage of sin and human nature was never broken.

Jesus, the Christ, God’s Son, became the perfect sacrifice. With love He voluntarily gave His life to set all men free from sin’s consequence. Through Jesus’ blood, sin is wiped away. Through His death we all can have eternal life. 

Today we title churches The House of God.  They are exactly that. They are the representation of God with us in a living, active and powerful way. Those who gather there are the Body of Christ, the community of believers, those who by faith are saved and lay their lives down as a living sacrifice so that others may feel God’s love and find redemption. 

Have a Terrific Tuesday,


Monday, November 9, 2020

Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life, as clear as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb. Revelation 22:1

Revelation, Biblically speaking, has given me greater pause than any other scripture. I associate it with death. The magnitude and depth of its content are intimidating, but John got to look into Heaven, then tell everyone, and it was beyond amazing. It was beautiful and that is often lost, because no one is searching TripAdvisor or MapQuest for the path of least resistance to get there quick.

If you read 21:1-22:6 you will see the New Order, not a new world order, but an eternal order. All things are made new. Like so many things of Heaven, we cannot fathom something that is completely NEW! All we have on earth is what we started with. We understand reuse, recycle, restore, not NEW! But Heaven is nothing of earth. God will dwell among men in a place He has designed from His unprecedented creativity and power.

John saw a river, flowing from the Throne of God, watering a Tree of Life. This tree holds the power to heal every ill ever imagined.  On earth, water is necessary to sustain life, in Heaven it is life.  Here is something new for me: Heaven holds life, not death.

Living, not dying,


Saturday, November 7, 2020

We love because He first loved us. I John 4:19

John’s favorite theme was love, God is LOVE. His command is that we love one another. To love is to obey, to obey is to love.

If you read the entirety of the Bible, God’s breath, His voice, His Word, you will not find a boundary drawn for love. God’s love is boundless, therefore, to live for Him, abide in Him and share eternal life with Him means we love…….without conditions, questions, borders……just love, it’s what we do.

