Thursday, January 7, 2021

So they pulled their boats up on the shore, left everything and followed Him. Luke 5:11

“They” are Simon Peter, and his business partners, brothers James and John the sons of Zebedee.

Luke 5, verses 1-11 tell of Jesus’ encounter along the Sea of Gennesaret (Galilee) with common fishermen who have seen the sun rise on an unsuccessful catch. In this story, Jesus gets personal.  He advises Peter in Peter’s own area of expertise, and succeeds against normal circumstances, bringing Peter to his knees in humble confession.

Jesus has begun His ministry of miraculous hope and healing. People gather wherever He goes.  On this morning He is beachside teaching about His Heavenly Father. While fishermen wash their nets, Jesus borrows Peter’s boat as a better platform. Following His lesson, Jesus tells Peter to let down his nets once again. It is not the time of day for prime fishing and these professionals have already seen a night of failure, but Peter obeys and brings in the best catch he’s ever seen. Rather than bask in the possible turn of fortune, Peter LEAVES EVERYTHING and follows Jesus.

Pursuing man in man’s everyday life, Jesus does not seek the perfect, but brings Holiness to the obedient. I wish I could tell you that the cost of following Jesus is so minimal that you hardly notice any difference in your life, but that is not so. On our journey to everlasting……we must carry nothing. For arms outstretched to a Savior must not be hindered by the burdens of this world.

Happy Thursday,


Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Worship the LORD in the splendor of His Holiness, tremble before Him, all the earth. Psalm 96:9

While Christians may debate the mechanisms of creation, there is no question of the  relationship between the Creator and the created. The universe inspires us to worship, to marvel at the extravagant care and beauty of God’s power and love made evident in His gift of life and all that sustains it.   

God can do anything He chooses. He chose to love and provide a way for us to find our way, safely and securely to His Throne, where we can live in eternal peace, on earth as it is in Heaven.

This is a beautiful psalm to the Sovereignty of God, read it in its entirety. Sing, sing and sing some more, in joyful thanksgiving.

Have a lovely day,


Tuesday, January 5, 2021

They will make war against the Lamb, but the Lamb will overcome them because He is LORD of lords and King of kings, and with Him will be His called, chosen and faithful followers. Revelation 17:14

From ancient times Babylon became the universal byword for human pride and vain glory. Following Christ’s death, Rome was often referred to as Babylon, the city committed to decadent pleasure that involved martyring Christians for public entertainment and celebrating ultimate selfishness with total disregard for those it cost.

John’s vision personified the greed and luxury that lures people away from God in every age including ours. We are drawn to a life that sparkles and promises to fulfill dreams and desires, but instead, takes without return. 

The final chapter has already been written. Justice will be served on those who hurt and harm. Eternity is the absolute for those that persevere. The Lamb will overcome. Faithful believers have all the power of Heaven and earth to reap the victory that has already been won.

It is not God’s desire to deny anyone entrance into Heaven. The choices of man determine this, but there will come a time when all things are made righteous through our all-knowing, all-loving and all-powerful Lord and Savior….. And it will be final. Don’t miss it for the world.



Monday, January 4, 2021

“Sovereign LORD, as You have promised, You may now dismiss your servant in peace. For my eyes have seen Your salvation.” Luke 2:29-30 

Levitical Law required that the Baby Jesus be presented at the temple with a sacrifice of either a lamb, a pigeon or a pair of doves, thirty three days after His birth. Mary and Joseph offered the least of these three options, therefore revealing that they were humble, poor people. Jesus left the limitless riches of Heaven to live among earth’s most deprived and needy population.

A righteous and devout man named Simeon was filled with the Holy Spirit and had been assured by God that he would not die before he had seen the Lord’s Christ. Moved by the Spirit, he went into the temple courts on the day of Jesus’ consecration. When he saw the baby Jesus he knew Him and praised God. (verses 29-32) Simeon recognized this Holy Child as the fulfillment of God’s saving purpose for the entire world.

God didn’t sneak Jesus onto the earth. There was much celebration and fanfare all throughout the event.  He revealed His news with those willing to share the beginning of a love that conquers every demon and foe the world will ever know. Like Simeon and all the others that saw the face of God, we too will know peace when we seek and find His Face.



Friday, January 1, 2021

So they hurried off and found Mary and Joseph and the baby, who was lying in the manger. Luke 2:16 

The shepherds left their flocks, went into Bethlehem and found the Christ Child.

On this night, God became very personal. His power and glory is displayed throughout all the universe, His voice is heard through prophets that gave assurances and hope of His presence among us. AND THEN…..God chose to unite Himself personally with mankind.  The Creator entered His own creation and became like His created, just to reveal a personal love for each of us.

Through this gift, God provided a way to bear our sins, break death’s grip and pay a debt to reconcile humanity to his original perfection. What man could not do for himself, Jesus came to do for them.

Nativity scenes are some the most magnificent artwork human eyes have ever seen, but don’t let the artist’s craft or nostalgia dull the foundational doctrine of salvation: Jesus was the fully human Son of God. Born to die, so you could live.

There is a hymn associated with the first Christmas night, Silent Night, Holy Night. A quick google search will reveal the manner in which this world famous tune and lyric came to be. A broken organ and a desire to worship in spite of obstacles brought about this beloved carol. Those that gathered in the manger went out of their way, put aside their daily lives, to worship.  This Season of Celebration, don’t let man’s obstacles inhibit your worship and praise.

As 2020 closes and we all ask 2021 to bring us health and healing, please don’t let go of the Season that first brought us hope, through love and faith.

Happy New Year!
