Saturday, March 20, 2021

It was now about noon, and darkness came over the whole land until three in the afternoon, for the sun stopped shining. And the curtain of the temple was torn in two. Luke 23:44-45

Devised for cruelty by a hard hearted and inhumane age, death by crucifixion was torturous.  The victim often hung for days before death came, serving as an object lesson for all who passed by. For Jesus, it was over in approximately six hours. Within that time He was offered a stupefying gall to ease His pain. He chose to remain clear headed. He asked forgiveness for those who persecuted and mocked Him, gave eternal life to a thief hanging beside Him, and secured an earthly home for His mother. He loved!

So that Jesus’ act of atonement could be complete, God withdrew His presence and darkness fell. Human’s will never know an agony like the final hours on the cross, a literal hell on earth. It was meant to be this way so you and I never have to experience separation from God. He loved!

A curtain hung in the temple between the sanctuary and the Holy of Holies.  Once a year the High Priest would pass beyond the curtain and intercede for the sins of the people.  At the moment of Jesus’ death there was no longer the need for an intercessor. We now have direct access to God through His son Jesus the Christ. He loved!

The most incomprehensible injustice of all generations, brought about the most poignant giving of love man will ever know.  Ponder until you understand just how loved you are!

Happy Weekend,


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