Saturday, March 27, 2021

“Blessed is the coming kingdom of our father David!” Mark 11:10

Jesus’ fate has been sealed. Old Testament prophecy will soon be played out in God’s language of love, not the words and actions of human authority. The streets of Jerusalem were filled with people gathered for Passover, the Jewish festival celebrating the emancipation of the Hebrew slaves, when Jesus rode into town on a young, unbroken horse. They recognized Jesus as King of kings, but Prince of Peace was lost on most of them. Peace wasn’t their goal. An earthly reign of human power to settle old scores and dole out justice according to man’s perspective was the objective of the religious government of this day. 

People knew a savior was coming and expressed faith that Jesus was that Savior. He rode into Jerusalem to throngs of people shouting, “Hallelujah!.”  If they believed John that Baptist was a prophet, and they did, then they had to accept Jesus was the Messiah, which they wanted to believe, but the church authority discouraged and began a smear campaign to malign Jesus’ good works and Holy name.  Why? Because it threatened their life style, their comfort and their right to abuse according to their prejudices.  

Jesus came riding into Jerusalem on a colt, not a war-horse. He came to save the world through love. Love begets peace, joy, patience, forgiveness, self-control and total contentment, an earth as it is in Heaven.  Let go of your expectations and entitlements and let the world become what God created it and you to be. 

Have a Great Weekend,


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