Friday, June 18, 2021

LORD, be gracious to us; we long for You. Be our strength every morning, our salvation in time of distress. Isaiah 33:2

The nation of Israel has been ravaged and pillaged by Assyria and now the capitol city is under siege. These are terrifying days for the residents of this fortress, the beloved City of David. In the midst of these days of darkness Isaiah remains calm, reassuring the children of Israel that God will take His revenge on the enemy. 

God does not desert, He defends. God does not bring plague, He heals. God does not judge with ill intent, He is just, and pardons and forgives.

Those whose faith is in God remain unshaken in times of distress. Where God reigns, all is well. 

It is Well With My Soul,


Thursday, June 17, 2021

Yet the LORD says, “During the forty years that I led you through the wilderness, your clothes did not wear out, nor did the sandals on your feet. You ate no bread and drank no wine or other fermented drink. I did this so that you might know that I am the LORD your God.” Deuteronomy 29:5-6

On the eve of entry into the Promised Land, the Laws God has given His covenant nation are being repeated by Moses. They are also being reminded of God’s love, leadership and provision on their journey from slavery to freedom. When these people cross the river they are home, in a country with geographical boundaries. They will have to live in community with each other and those around them but most of all, they must choose to worship and commune with God. This repetition of things they’ve seen and heard for forty years is for victory, not failure. 

Moses pleads, warns, and encourages the people that have followed him for the last forty years.  A generation has come and gone and this group has lived solely under the guidance of God. Their life of freedom is just getting started, but disobedience will end it quickly. Peace and well-being rest on right relationship with God. It is the only prescription for success. 

Life under the leadership of the One True God is extraordinary. As Moses’ words tell, you can’t find logic in God’s loving care, but you can depend on it. Follow Him and you find life. Follow other gods and the result is death.



Wednesday, June 16, 2021

For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known. I Corinthians 13:12

This verse is taken from a passage generally considered to be the Love Chapter of the Bible.  Christian love is the model given by Jesus. These words of Paul paint a word picture of the One that loved us so deeply and completely that He died for us. There is only speculation and educated guesses as to what Jesus looked like in physical form, but there is no doubt about His heart. 

A mirror is a very important household tool. I know of no one who does not check their outward appearance before they greet the world on the other side of the front door. Then, throughout the day a store window reflects your image as you walk by, the smooth, still waters of a pond have been know to stare back with truthfulness. But a reflection only shows what it can see or comprehend. If you look to the front, you see the front. Man’s perception and comprehension are just as limited as the mirror’s. But there will come a day when we shall see Jesus completely as He is, face to face, heart to heart. Until then, we have this portrait of perfect love. 

God is love. Until we rest fully in the presence of this God of infinite patience, kindness, protection, and hope, we have a faith that’s foundation is built on this reflected image of our Savior. Be His mirror image.



Tuesday, June 15, 2021

“If anyone causes on of these little ones-those who believe in me-to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.” Matthew 18:6

Wrongdoing matters!

The disciples had just experienced the transfiguration. They heard from Heaven, in the presence of Moses and Elijah, that Jesus was the Son of God. In addition, Jesus’ conversation begins to turn toward His impending crucifixion and the aftermath for those who have followed Him. He begins teaching them to live in community and defend Righteousness. His friends do not understand and often misinterpret His words because they define the Creator according to the created rather than the other way around.

The spiritually mature have a tremendous responsibility to those who are growing and learning. It is easy to say, “I don’t take responsibility for your sin.” And rightly so. We all have our own free will and an accounting of our choices. But God will not tolerate careless/selfish behavior from those that know better. Our example should strengthen and enlighten, not cast questions and darkness. Defend what is right in word and deed.

Hurt a child, it won’t go well. Hurt a fellow believer, it won’t go well. Hurt an unbeliever, I don’t want to go there. Love one another because we are all called to have the heart of a child; trusting, joyous, and faithful. 

Love you!


Monday, June 14, 2021

He answered, “I am a Hebrew and I worship the LORD, the God of Heaven, who made the sea and the dry land.” Jonah 1:9 

Nineveh was the capital of the Assyrian Empire, a world power that was annihilating the Jewish nation of Israel when God called Jonah to go and save the very people who were destroying His home. Is it any wonder He didn’t want to go?  

Tarshish is thought to have been in Spain, so if you look at a map, it is clear that Jonah, already a prophet and statesman, had no intention of going anywhere near the hated place God called him to. However, his identity was solely as a Hebrew who worships the LORD.  Jonah’s boat ride to Tarshish was caught in a turbulent storm and Jonah knows why.  He voluntarily allows himself to be thrown overboard where he is confident God’s plan will proceed one way or another. 

God wanted Assyria to repent, thus, ending their blood lust for conquest and possibly preserving Israel as a nation. Jonah wanted the citizen’s of this hated nation to suffer the full wrath of God. He had no compassion for them!  God……….wanted peace among His beloved creation and salvation for ALL men. Jonah’s personal grudge and prejudice had to be put to rest.

It is difficult to have enemies when you realize how badly God wants them to know His love. And like Jonah, you may be the only way they will ever hear and learn.  In addition to that thought, consider this; a world with no enemies is a pretty sweet place to live. 



Saturday, June 12, 2021

For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16

The Temple area, the sacred place representing God’s presence among His people, had been made into a shortcut to town, a convenient market place and currency exchange where a chosen few were able to prosper at the expense of the less fortunate. With tremendous authority Jesus cleared the temple of these evil doers.  People obeyed and the Pharisees and Jewish counsel took offense. They believed that the foretold Messiah would be a political conqueror, not a humble servant of mankind. Jesus just wouldn’t do, so the rejection began.

There was a man named Nicodemus, a prominent citizen, a Pharisee. He observed Jesus and in the night, discretely went to ask questions that his educated mind couldn’t reconcile. He was not turned away because of his secrecy and cowardliness. Instead, he heard the human voice of God’s own Son speak the most wonderful words known to man, “You don’t have to perish, come, have eternal life.” Nicodemus chose to believe. Years later he stepped forward and away from his own colleagues who had just had Jesus crucified, and with a friend named Joseph, asked for their Savior’s body. They took Him to a tomb He would only need for a weekend. 

The first scripture I ever committed to memory, because somebody cared enough to inform me that I was heir to the greatest, most profound love I would ever know, and when all other imitators of love had very nearly destroyed me, this Love saved me.

Go Share This Good News,


Friday, June 11, 2021

As it is written: “There is no one righteous, not even one;” Romans 3:10

Hebrews, actually a sermon, was spoken to Christian Jews who seemed to have a degree of formal education. Persecution was the experience of early converts across the Roman Empire in the years before Jerusalem fell. Their faith was wavering and they were considering a return to the traditions of their youth, Judaism. The author of Hebrews tells that Jesus is the fulfillment of the ancient Priesthood, making the perfect sacrifice once and for all, Jesus the Lamb of God.

The speaker compares these people to the Hebrew children of the Exodus, who see God do miraculous things, but at the first sign of discomfort or insecurity, they forget their faith and fail to trust and obey.  For these there was no promised land, no place of peace and rest. 

Traditional Jews depend on their strict laws and the act of circumcision (the physical attribute that sets them apart from all others on earth) to assure them the favor of the LORD. However, it is not these things, but the fact that they were given charge, or keeping, over God’s word. He told them, and showed them, His love and character, so that they could bless all nations. Their Righteousness does not derive from who they are by birth, but who they chose to be in rebirth. 

There is no way to Heaven other than faith, which brings Holiness and perseverance. 

Happy Weekend,


Thursday, June 10, 2021

Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers. Psalm 1:1

“Blessed is_________.” The opening words of Jesus from His sermon on the mount. This is a Beatitude. It is not a suggestion, but a direction that will keep your life on the right path. 

The way of the wicked is a person’s life’s choice: The things they do, the places they go, the words they say…… the manner in which they engage with their spouse, and children, and neighbors…….It’s not an afternoon lunch date with a little venting on the edgy side, it is their ideal, their life’s standard, and it will end in destruction. 

This Psalm contrasts the way of the righteous and that of the wicked. There are two ways, not three, no road down the middle with a little of the best from each side blended in. The enlightened trail blazers from the beginning of humanity till now have tried to build one but it is not to be. Chose the path of righteousness, it is already full of faithful footprints and fellow sojourners that will encourage you, lead you, walk beside you and sometimes push you up a hill, but they will be with you until your journey’s end. 



Wednesday, June 9, 2021

The person with the Spirit makes judgments about all things, but such a person is not subject to merely human judgments, for, “Who has known the mind of the LORD so as to instruct Him?” But we have the mind of Christ.  I Corinthians 2:15 

The citizens of Corinth held themselves in high esteem. As a neighboring city to Athens, Corinth was home to scholars, orators, and litigators. Arguing for the sake of arguing had become an art form and the early church was not spared such enlightened minds. Paul, a scholar himself, teaches that debate and logic are not the way to the throne of God, or great faith. God’s ways, especially grace and mercy, do not make sense.  

In dealing with early Christians that have always relied on their mental acuity to excel and advance their social standing, Paul taught that humble, blind, faith was the secret to wisdom and insight when it came to understanding Jesus’ unselfish act of love, His resurrection and the gift of the Holy Spirit. 

We are not unlike our ancient friends. Knowing and understanding grants security and autonomy. Releasing control is perceived as weakness or lack of motivation and ambition. The world does not shine brightly on unquestionable trust in something as abstract as an intangible God. But as Paul states, it is the mind of Christ we must seek and emulate. Explaining Jesus isn’t the answer, accepting Him and walking in His ways is.  

Have a Great Day,


P.S. I encourage you to read all of chapter two to better understand Paul’s context, frustration and letter. 

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Who cuts a channel for the torrents of rain, and a path for the thunderstorm, to water a land where no one lives, an uninhabited desert, to satisfy a desolate wasteland and make it sprout with grass? Job 38:25-26

The book of Job is an Historical poem. This story is true, not legend as some have suggested. 

Job became famous because of his misery. In one day he was crushed by a mountain of disaster. His camels were stolen and his herdsmen were murdered, the same for his oxen. 7000 sheep and their attending shepherds were killed by a thunderstorm. His children, all ten, perished in a cyclone. Job himself was struck by a hideous and painful disease, probably leprosy. People everywhere knew of Job’s calamity and they talked….a lot.  Theologians and scholars, as well as nosey neighbors, all had something to comment. It didn’t help or change anything. 

Job grieved and anger was a big part of the process.  He asked the hard questions, “What did I do to deserve this!?” “Why are you picking on me?!” “Why don’t you just let me die!?” Job’s friends speak and analyze God’s motives and Job’s character. Job defends his righteousness, so his friends inquire of secret hypocrisies. Finally, God speaks and Job finds perspective. God ends Job’s story with love, not condemnation and Job’s joy is restored beyond measure. 

This book isn’t about suffering, it’s about who God is when suffering comes. When sin came into the world, death became a part of man.  But death does not define God!!!! This is important!!!  In a desert where no man may ever go, God waters the land and a flower miraculously blooms for a few short days………just because He’s God. He can and will do what it good!

Human nature struggles with the inequities and injustices of life. How can a good God allow such horror and pain? And then God Himself came from Heaven, in the form of Jesus, to be a partaker in our suffering. Not because man needed answers, but because He is a good God and we needed love.  That’s who He is, that’s what He does. 

Have a Great Day!
