Friday, November 12, 2021

But Gideon told them “I will not rule over you, nor will my son rule over you. The LORD will rule over you.” Judges 8:23 (Chapters 6-8)

The Israelites were plagued by marauders.  The Midianites came at harvest time, raiding the fields and herds. The men of Israel had taken to hiding in caves and threshing their meager gatherings in hidden pits. During this time of duress, they sought God’s power. God chose Gideon to be Israel’s mighty warrior.

When called, Gideon was so sure God was mistaken he asked for strong signs of confirmation. Having his faith settled, God directed Gideon to reduce his amassed army and take only 300 men, so that all would know it was by God’s authority victory was won. With torches hidden in jars and carrying trumpets, Gideon’s forces attacked their enemy in the pitch black of night, creating a chaos in which the enemy self destructed. The land enjoyed peace for the next 40 years (Gideon’s generation.)

The story of Gideon is not one of charismatic leadership, but rather, the divine intervention of God on behalf of those who trust Him. Gideon was the last person Israel would have chosen for their hero, but God did the choosing. The simple secret to prosperity, aka, peace: Boldly trust God.



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