Friday, February 11, 2022

“Though you soar like the eagle and make your nest among the stars, from there I will bring you down,” declares the LORD. Obadiah verse 4

The Edomites were descendants of Esau, the older twin brother Jacob cheated out of his birthright. Even though these estranged grandsons of Abraham reconciled their differences, Esau’s people continued to seize every opportunity to wrong the Jews. From Moses to Solomon, Edom stirred unrest, but when they liberated themselves from Judah, they began aiding foreign enemies, finally giving assistance to Babylon in the annihilation of Judah, and luting Jerusalem after its destruction.

Little is known of Obadiah, other than his name means, “Servant of God,” and he is credited with a prophecy that is recorded as the shortest book in the Old Testament.  Obadiah delivered the word that Edom would be wiped off the face of the earth and history would know them no more. The last knowledge of their existence was in 70 AD.

These people thought they were invincible, but their unchecked anger, bitterness and a stubborn refusal to forgive was their complete destruction. God is good, loving and compassionate and calls us, regardless of our back story, to be like Him. In the unfairness of life, God is still and always will be good. Don’t get lost in your self pity and lose what God has in store.



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