Friday, August 19, 2022

Then I heard every creature in Heaven and on earth and under the earth and on the sea, and all that is in them, singing: “To Him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be praise and honor and glory and power, for ever and ever!” Revelation 5:13 (Revelation 4-8:6)

John’s revelation turns from the things of earth as Heaven’s door is thrown open and he sees and hears God the Creator and Redeemer praised for His power and majesty.

For every scholarly commentary written, there is an opinion of what the visions of John mean to each of us.  I will not choose a favorite theory and adopt it for your consumption. But, there is common agreement we simply will not fully understand until we personally behold Christ in all of His Glory. However, one theme is clear: No matter sin’s destruction or tribulation, God is on His Throne. Sin’s sorrow will never outweigh the power of The Church as The Church remains faithful and earth endures.

We will not live a trouble free live on earth, but we will come through to a permanent home of peace and security in Heaven, our living hope. Today’s crisis is not your forever, for joy comes in the morning.



Thursday, August 18, 2022

“I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, “who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty.”  Revelation 1:8 (Revelation 1-3:22)

John is the only living Apostle when a messenger from Heaven arrives and tells him to scribe what Jesus is going to reveal. His visions were then to be sent to the churches of Asia where extreme persecution was taking place. Imperial Rome was attempting to wipe Christianity off the face of the earth, but admonition and encouragement sustained the faithful and the Church then and today survives triumphantly.

Revelations tells the story of a sovereign Lord engaged in battle with the forces of evil. It uses supernatural imagery, figurative language and symbolism that is not easy to fully understand, but we do know the number of completion, God’s signature, is seven. God’s omnipotent knowledge as Creator of the universe and Jesus as the fulfillment of righteousness is shown through love that conquers Satan. “Then all the churches will know that I am He who searches hearts and minds, and I will repay each of you according to your deeds.” Rev. 2:23b is evidence of the precious promises of eternal life for the believer and the agony guaranteed for the lost and rebellious.

Of the seven churches, two were blameless; Smyrna and Philadelphia. Two were spiritually bankrupt: Sardis and Laodicea, and three were accused of apathy for their tolerance of wrong teaching and immoral behavior among their members and leaders. Take heed!

God’s Word is to have a central place in the church and is designed to hold The Church to its mission. This final chapter is the consummation of God’s plan of redemption, established throughout the history of Biblical revelation. We are loved and our hope is in the promise and surety of eternal life.



Wednesday, August 17, 2022

This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down His life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers. I John 3:16 (I, II, III John)

The Christian Church was 60+ years old and many attempts had been made to amalgamate the Gospel with prevailing philosophical trends. John, the Apostle wrote three letters, the first a circular letter sent to a large audience and meant to be shared far and near, and two short and very personal letters that were preserved because they were probably attached to the larger correspondence. The objective was to warn against corrupting Christianity with pagan behaviors and thought and restate the Truth.

John was Jesus’ most intimate friend, the one Jesus had asked to care for His own mother at the crucifixion. Following the destruction of Jerusalem, John lived the rest of his life in Ephesus, from where he sent these letters. One misbelief that infiltrated Christian practice was dualism, the idea that body and spirit were separate. The body’s sins did not sully the spirit.  This allowed for deeply immoral habits within the Christian community. There were also false prophets claiming to have a superior knowledge of God and denied the incarnate Christ.  John had walked intimately with Jesus for three years. He knew He was fully The Son of Man and fully The Son of God.

The Church must cling to the Truth and the Truth is, you must believe Jesus, the Son of a loving God, died for man’s salvation. We have the assurance of eternal life and we show this knowledge of Truth by following God’s command, to love one another.



Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. Hebrews 11:1 (Hebrews 11-13)

These chapters are the Biblical Faith Hall of Fame, a pep rally of sorts for those who came before us, we the present and those who will follow. A great encouragement for the persecuted and unjustly accused to remain strong and persevere. The same God that was faithful to them, is still faithful today. We can rest our hope in this.

Rather than expound on a very simple concept, I am going to list the accomplishments of faith as listed in Halley’s Bible Handbook, pg 654. It is tremendous inspiration.

-Abel’s faith brought the first sacrifice for sin

-Enoch’s faith brought relationship with God.

-Noah’s faith saved his family

-Abraham’s faith led him into the unknown that became the City of God and a confidence in God’s omnipotent and sovereign love and power.

-Sarah’s faith turned the impossible into reality.

-Isaac’s faith foretold the future.

-Jacob’s faith rested in the hope of promises fulfilled.

-Joseph’s faith sustained him from king to pauper to king.

-Moses faith chose to suffer with Israel, forsaking his place in pharaoh’s palace and the deliverance of the Hebrew children across the Red Sea.

-Joshua’s faith brought down the wall of Jericho.

-Rahab’s faith brought her into the security of Israel

-Gideon’s faith made him a mighty warrior.

-Barak’s faith subdued kingdoms.

-Samson’s faith made his weakness become strength.

-Jepthah’s faith defeated armies.

-David’s faith obtained promises.

-Daniels’ faith closed the mouths of lions.

-Jeremiah’s faith was tortured but stood firm.

-Elijah and Elisha’s faith raised the dead.

Yes, you can put out the fires of hell on earth with a little squirt gun when its loaded with a tiny seed of faith.



Monday, August 15, 2022

Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for He who promised is faithful. Hebrews 10:23 (Hebrews 6-10)

These chapters focus on the priesthood of Jesus Christ.  A priest is the mediator between man and God. Jesus is referred to as the High Priest and likened to Melchizedek, who predated the Levitical priesthood and to whom Abraham gave a tenth of his bounty after defeating four kings to rescue his nephew Lot. Like Melchizedek, Jesus was not a Levite.

The writer of Hebrews logically and systematically shows Jesus as the complete and final priest.  With His death and resurrection, there is full access to God’s mercy and grace. The Levites were temporary, Christ is eternal. The ancient Law is written on stone, Christ’s Law is engraved on the hearts of those whose belief becomes faith. Animal sacrifice only reminded the people they were sinners (10:3&4), while the blood of Jesus has the power to save us from our carnal crisis.

A ‘testament’ or covenant is a will, a bequeathment, to heirs, effective after the death of their maker.  This is where we get the terms, New Testament and Old Testament. There is no further need for animal sacrifice (Old Testament) in an earthly Temple that lay in crumbles. Christ’s blood (New Testament) is sufficient and God is faithful to forgive those who place their trust in this Salvation.



Saturday, August 13, 2022

Since the children have flesh and blood, He too shared in their humanity so that by His death He might destroy him who holds the power of death-that is the devil. Hebrews 2:14 (Hebrews 1-5) 

The author and audience are not declared in the opening statements of this letter, but it was written to Christians who had an educated knowledge of all things Jewish. Hebrews is a magnificent defense of the Christian faith. The writer logically and systematically argues Christ’s superiority over all the Jews hold dear, the prophets, angels, Moses, Joshua, Levitical priesthood, covenants and sacrifices.

Jewish converts believed the resurrection of Christ would assure Jerusalem a place as capital of the world. Instead, it would soon be a pile of rubble at the hands of Roman persecutors, and with the destruction of The Temple, all that was left of their heritage and traditions would soon be gone. These believers needed to know the covenant with Abraham, from one nation will come the blessing for all nations, has been fulfilled. In addition, they must understand what Christianity really is and what pleases God. They habitually look to spiritual leadership as an administrative role but now their eternal lives depend on the hope of things unseen.

Jesus became the least of all things to cure the sin problem we have. As The Sacrifice, no others are needed. The Temple can lay in a heap without consequence to man’s soul, because the Holy Spirit has built His dwelling in the hearts of the faithful and true. Suffering is a time for maturity and confidence in what you have seen and know. The faithful Father of Jewish history is the same God who will see each of us to a Sabbath’s rest, in this life and beyond.

Happy Weekend,


Friday, August 12,2022

Dear friends, I urge you, as aliens and strangers in the world, to abstain from sinful desires, which war against your soul. Live such good lives among the pagans that, though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day He visits us. I Peter 2:11-2 (I and II Peter)

These two letters are the only reference to Peter’s later life and were written not long before his death during Nero’s terror. He writes to the dispersed Jews of Asia Minor. It was a time of great hostility toward Christians everywhere. As Nero poured tar on believers and lit them on fire to light his evening portico, it did seem and sound as though Satan was roaring like a lion who would completely devour The Church.

This Rock, whom Jesus would build His church upon, instructed perseverance by arming oneself for suffering. Many fell away during this time and there were those who exploited and mocked Jesus’ works and prophecies and turned them into a license for perversion and lasciviousness. (At the same time Jude addressed these very issues.) He addressed the question of God’s actions toward those who reject His ordinances. The God that cast rebellious angels from His presence, saved only Noah and his family while all other men perished in the flood and later, rid the earth of Sodom and Gomorrah and all their residents for their perverse behavior, will NOT excuse sin!

Peter urges his readers to live as though this world was not their home, for their hope was in Heaven where Christ is the center of all that is Holy. Peter’s favorite adjective was precious, precious blood, precious faith and precious promises, with Christian Love as the supreme virtue. To know God is to share His nature. As the Redeemed, we have the responsibility to Glorify God. For those that seek to find you guilty of sin, leave them no evidence to convict you.

Happy Friday,


Thursday, August 11, 2022

Though you already know all this, I want to remind you that the Lord delivered His people out of Egypt, but later destroyed those who did not believe. Jude 5 (Jude)

This very short letter was written by Jesus and James’ younger brother Jude, also known as Judas. He was preparing correspondence regarding Salvation when word came to him of wicked men who had infiltrated church leadership and turned God’s Grace into a license for lasciviousness. These false prophets denied Christ while exalting Christian freedom. In this address to a Jewish audience, Jude uses Old Testament references and known Jewish historical facts to give evidence of God’s intolerance to sinful behavior.

The history of the church has often suffered from men such as these. We must resist those who seek to exploit Christianity and Christians. Jude’s doxology reminds us we are not defenseless, but it is imperative we use the Truth, Power and Light of the Holy Spirit to guide and empower us.



Wednesday, August 10, 2022


Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. James 5:16 (James 1-5)

It is believed James, the brother of Jesus, who became the leader of the Jerusalem Church, is the author of this letter sent to the general population of Jewish converts.  While Jesus was on earth, James did not believe in His deity or Lordship, but following the resurrection he found a great faith that sustained him through thirty years of ministry and a final martyrdom.  His words offer practical advise for Christian living, a book of Christian proverbs is you will. James was well known as a prayer warrior. It was said his knees were callused from hours spent praying. It was a worthy endeavor James instructed the world to embrace.

It seems as if there is conflict between Paul’s teaching of justification by faith and James’ insistence on good works. There is no disconnect, but rather, a supplementary relationship between the two. Real faith transforms. Transformation is evidenced in the way we think, regard ourselves and treat others. James gives specific comments pertaining to the tongue which expresses our heart and personality. There must be consistency between Christian faith and Christian behavior. Whether we like it or not, we are measured by our conduct, but don’t despair, conduct is our strength against temptation.

Ananus, the High Priest and the scribes and pharisees were infuriated with James’ works among the Judean Jews. As persecution in Jerusalem escalated he was bought to the steps of the Temple and pressed to denounce the Messiahship of Jesus. Instead he proclaimed His glory and was stoned. As he drew his final breath, tradition says he prayed the same final prayer as his earthly brother and eternal King, “Forgive them for they know not what they do.” Indeed, the prayers of the righteous are powerful.



August 9, 2022

Here is a trustworthy saying:  If we died with Him, we will also live with Him; if we endure, we will also reign with Him.  If we disown Him, He will also disown us; if we are faithless, He remains faithful, for He cannot disown Himself. II Timothy 2:11-13 (II Timothy 1-4)

Paul has been arrested and brought back to Rome to be executed. Nero, Rome’s Emperor, burned the city to the ground so he could rebuild a bigger, better imperial metropolis. To cover his crime he blamed the unpopular Christians. Christians were not prestigious or influential people of means. They were vulnerable, marginalized and by Nero, victimized.

This is Paul’s final correspondence. From prison he sent a letter to Ephesus, carried by Tychicus, asking Timothy to come, while his courier remained as interim pastor. It is not known if Timothy arrived in Rome before Paul’s execution. Many of Paul’s supporters deserted him when Nero’s persecution reached its zenith of cruelty. In his darkest hour he reached into the future and called on tomorrow’s Church to be dedicated, disciplined and to preach the Word. Evil will inevitably be exposed, so rise above quarrelsome talk and remain true to scripture.

Chapter four is labeled Paul’s valedictory. He ran the race valiantly with no regrets. He had seen Christ in His glory, what he believed, he lived, and he knows beyond doubt he will soon exist beyond pain and sorrow’s grasp. His future is secure and sure.

In the hope of Christ’s example and the faith in things yet unseen, Paul and many others were martyred for crimes they were not guilty of. The gate of hell is a destination most will likely encounter on life’s journey. Will you face it down in Glorious Victory, or refuse discomfort or inconvenience on this earth. Paul’s faith can be your faith. Don’t gain the world and lose your soul.

