Then I heard every creature in Heaven and on earth and under the earth and on the sea, and all that is in them, singing: “To Him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be praise and honor and glory and power, for ever and ever!” Revelation 5:13 (Revelation 4-8:6)
John’s revelation turns from the things of earth as Heaven’s door is thrown open and he sees and hears God the Creator and Redeemer praised for His power and majesty.
For every scholarly commentary written, there is an opinion of what the visions of John mean to each of us. I will not choose a favorite theory and adopt it for your consumption. But, there is common agreement we simply will not fully understand until we personally behold Christ in all of His Glory. However, one theme is clear: No matter sin’s destruction or tribulation, God is on His Throne. Sin’s sorrow will never outweigh the power of The Church as The Church remains faithful and earth endures.
We will not live a trouble free live on earth, but we will come through to a permanent home of peace and security in Heaven, our living hope. Today’s crisis is not your forever, for joy comes in the morning.