Then the LORD God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being. Genesis 2:7
The creation story is told two times. In Genesis chapter one, God spoke and the world came into order. Chapter two’s accounting of creation connects the intimate details of man’s origin to his relationship with the Creator.
Breath. The source of life. Without oxygen intake we die. Other things sustain health, but life begins and ends with a breath. Breathing is involuntary. The moment we exit the womb, inhale deeply and exhale with a mighty cry, we breathe by no power of our own. Only His breath, that first gift of human life, was a choice.
We do have one free choice that pertains to our breath. Vocal chords, anchored between our nostrils and our lungs, operate according to our will. With this one organ we can spread the glory to the One who loves us most, or we can rip His world, our neighbors, apart, one word at a time.
Today with my breath I will smell some roses, sing some songs, laugh with children and shout to the LORD, for He is good.