“But you, Son of Man, listen to what I say to you. Do not rebel like that rebellious house, open your mouth and eat what I give you.” Ezekiel 2:8
Ezekiel’s career was laid out before him. He would follow in the successful footsteps of his father. It didn’t turn out that way though; Jerusalem fell to the Babylonians and suddenly this young, vibrant servant of God was an exile. THEN GOD SPOKE! Ezekiel would prophesy to the Israelites, a rebellious nation. God’s call included words of fortitude, “Do not be afraid,” and reckoning, “Whether they listen or fail to listen…..” This servant did not falter. He was passionate, dedicated and utterly obedient.
Ezekiel’s responsibility was to spread the message of hope and restoration. Those who heard were responsible for their response to God’s message.
Jesus is Lord. We can learn this through a humble heart and redemption or a haughty attitude that brings judgement. The choice is ours. There are no excuses. Answer, obey or ignore……..
Love ya’ll!