Thursday, July 20, 2023

 Show proper respect to everyone, love the family of believers, fear God, honor the emperor. I Peter 2:17

But I thought respect was something someone had to earn? If they fail my respect ‘test’ then I withhold this courtesy at my discretion. Right? Well, not according to scripture.

Jesus was being robbed of His proper respect and dignity on the night Peter denied knowing him. Peter never forgot. At the time of this letter, Peter is in Rome being persecuted for the Gospel. Christians of Peter’s time were being threatened, some even to death, and for society to make it okay in their minds and hearts, they accused them of every impurity and perversion. Nero, the emperor was leading the charge. Yet, these young, newly transformed Christians are hearing Peter remind them they are serving the Stone the builders rejected, the One True God, and they represent the hope of the church that was built upon this very rock. Love each other and trust, it will be worth it.

Respect is a reflection of your character and the character of whom you belong. Withholding it is akin to a tantrum. Christians must live above reproach or our testimony is nullified, even when we are being robbed of the very thing we freely give.



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