Tuesday, August 22, 2023

There is one body and one spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called. Ephesians 4:4

The fabled King Croesus called Ephesus home. It was originally a Greek city but by Paul’s time, a Roman province. The temple of Artemis, one of the seven wonders of the world, was a source of tourism and trade even in ancient times. Paul was beaten when converts quit buying miniature likenesses of the goddess, thus creating an economic downturn.

The occult was alive and well in this city where demons, spirits, dead ancestors and gods were all recognized as danger wielding beings. Paul teaches there is only one body, the Body of Christ. He is the head and we, His followers, are the eyes, hands, feet, ears and heart. There is one hope, the hope of a resurrected Savior who has all power of Heaven and earth.

Unity, loyalty and common purpose meant spiritual survival. It remains the same today. Christianity fights the exact same forces it did two thousand years ago. There is so much that draws us away from our singular purpose and hope. Stay connected.



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